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Water marks even though water has a reading of 0


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Hi Jesse Couldn’t see an image of the windows, but it might well be the Frames were extra dirty and then running onto the windows and leaving Mark’s or air vents, water dripping from them. If it was white marks on the glass it could well be the frames milking which is oxidisation and the frames will need a good rub to get rid of it. Hope this helps
Hi , yes the marks were white , so would I just need to extra scrub the frames ?
To ensure this doesn’t happen
The above post have plenty of advice. Have you tried any of them?

Also not directed at you but what's with all the old posts been resurrected recently. It's really frustrating having to scroll down to the relevant point where the new msgs start
You probably know but if you click on the time in the list of latest posts it takes you to the last post not the start.
Yes, go over the frames a couple of times till you can’t see any white running from them then you can clean the glass
It will be the entire window frame sometimes also the sill if you keep a close eye on it when you first do a job you'll see the water going white as you are scrubbing this can also happen with old doors and white hinges and handles they do take extra effort to get 100% but once done you'll have no issues moving forward,

In over 15 years of being wfp I have only had a handful of jobs that have had oxidised frames always on the side of the house that gets the most sun