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Wild weather today


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Some is hard to please duncs but it goes on for over an hour so can skip the ones you don't like. 12 mins in is a nice jazz type one;)

Anyhow the wind had died down and no rain today so I went out to do a bit. Did what I had to do then decided to come back a different way.

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Oops! I thought I'm not going to go through that lot and knacker me diesel engine.

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They have their own fleet of flood rescue vans they use just for the numpties that try:D

I went out this christmas eve morning to honour a few promises I had made. I felt better for it. Now at the in laws drinking and eating. Will be like that for the next few days!

Myself I will be learning more on how to build wordpress driven responsive websites that work on both pc & mobile devices./emoticons/smile.png

Winds died down this afternoon and the rain stopped so manged to do a bit after all.

Happy day's /emoticons/biggrin.png

Cheers....Sorry to hear that bud & hope you feel better soon;)

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Indeed but laughter can make you feel a whole lot better /emoticons/biggrin.png


ive had man flu just before christmas than as im getting over it we had 2 nights where the kids were up at 3 in the morning christmas day and the night after my 3 month old was up most of the night and the lack of sleep brought it all back, ive been in bed 2 days.

then sort of felt well enough to catch up with work today and its raining in buckets and the tree's and lamposts are swaying like crazy or im doped up on all these lemsip tablets!!

lol, i know i thought we was through having kids, boy and a girl of 7 and 9 then the wife goes and gets pregnant last year lol, dont know how she does it!!!


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