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Will a 800 litre tank fit in a medium wheel base peugeot expert


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Hi looking at getting a peugeot exper 2018 mwb and wanted am 800 litre tank as a minimum as never want to run out of water. Would this Size tank fit and be suitable.
Look at it this way @cameron12422

If you are using microbore hose, the most you are going to get is 1.5 lpm of water thorough the reel hose. The jets, especially if they are fan jets, are going to throttle that a bit.

If you are going to work 8 hours a day, the very most your pump will be working is 4 hours. Let's say 5 hours for the math. That's 450 litres.

If you choose minibore hose, then you will use a bit more.
Yesterday we worked for 4 & 1/2 hours. Both of us used about 300 litres in total. We had a first clean that was filthy, but per hour this is about our average daily consumption.

We have one reel of minibore and one reel of microbore on the van.

When you first start window cleaning you will use more water per clean, but then you also don't do that many cleans a day as you are still growing your business. When you get to the second or third clean, you will use less water than you did to begin with.

I have a Peugeot Boxer 333. It's payload is around 1300kgs. I have a 650 litre tank in it. With myself and my son, around 500 liters of water, full tank of diesel, step and roof ladders, roof bars, tow bar, diesel heater, 2 hose reels, poles and other odds and ends , I'm just on the maximum payload.
I have worked with someone else in the past with I think an 800l tank
Never been able to empty it on a very long days work with 2 of us at it all day
Overkill for a one man setup I would say
Go for 400 and know you are safe and legal
I have worked with someone else in the past with I think an 800l tank
Never been able to empty it on a very long days work with 2 of us at it all day
Overkill for a one man setup I would say
Go for 400 and know you are safe and legal
The only time we used more water was when cleaning our local school. My son would empty his 500 litre tank by mid-afternoon, and then he would couple up to my van. By the time 5 o'clock came, both his and my tanks were empty. But on those couple of days, the vans didn't move, and the pumps ran most of the time.

Never again do I want a job like this.
Hi looking at getting a peugeot exper 2018 mwb and wanted am 800 litre tank as a minimum as never want to run out of water. Would this Size tank fit and be suitable.
I have a citroen dispatch, mwb and have an xline 750 litre, dual operator system with 2 hose reels fixed in the van. Fits perfectly. I think the Peugeot expert and Citroen dispatch share a chassis as they are both made by the same automotive group, so hopefully that gives you a better idea
That’s around 1100k payload from memory so only 300k left including ladders and driver/ passenger and all equipment and not taking into account weight of actual system and tank that’s only the water
It may fit but is it safe and legal?
Yeah makes sense. The 2 litre version has the higher payload. I remember having a call with ionic when I was shopping around and they mentioned the same thing to me