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Window Cleaners That Undercut


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This happened to me a few months ago lost three customers because of it.i wasn't that bothered about it cos they was either bad payer's or they was hit n miss but what p*ssed me off was the fact they just left to go with this rat who undercut me

when he cant keep going or quits and they ask you to go back, say your to busy or add a quid or 2 to what you did them for before.

most customers are loyal to be fair

yeah thats what I normally do.To be fair they tell me if someone has been around this windy was really trying it on with them

I'd undercut him, get the jobs back and don't bother going again and leave them with no windy just to p!ss them off for lack of loyalty!

We had a firm go round years ago. Priced every house with a letter.

He came in at 9.50 on a house we charged £19 for!

The customer cancelled as the "deal was too good" I said no problem give us a ring if we can be of any help. 7 months later get a call, he has gone back to a regular job and quit WC. So she asked us to start up again, we said yes. We Repriced the house at exactly £20 this time. And i suggested every over month. She has never been so happy with the service. Tea,tips the lots!

She hardly notices the time difference as wfp does make window stay cleaner longer.

I live next to the A1 and i deffo have to clean em less due to WFP.

Money is Money, Pride is Pride. Just make sure you balance the two up!

Your right pi..ed me right off but the to blokes that have just start around my way dont need the money as theyve just both retired from great jobs with pensions so there just doing it to get out there houses

I wouldn't do them again even if I was getting double, next guy that's comes knocking for a cheaper price again, same thing will happen again..

But business is business and if you have highish prices you leave room for someone to undercut.. I wouldn't do it around domestic work. Wouldn't mind doing it on large commercial work..

I wouldn't do them again even if I was getting double, next guy that's comes knocking for a cheaper price again, same thing will happen again..
But business is business and if you have highish prices you leave room for someone to undercut.. I wouldn't do it around domestic work. Wouldn't mind doing it on large commercial work..
I think most people have that attitude. I just see each house as money. Can't let feelings or pride get in the way.

If she cancels after 10 cleans so want. That's £200.

If they are bad payers, rude, moan. Then different story as will start to cost money.

Agree there Belfast, I'd never (intentionally) undercut on domestic work but Commercial isn't the same. Businesses undercut each other all the time and I don't see window cleaning as any less a business so same rules apply. I don't aim for commercial though so all around me are safe /emoticons/wink.png

Agree mate,there is enough work for everyone.New to this forum and this is close to my heart.I'm 70% domestic and rest commercial.You can understand commercial but domestic a no no.If you do a good job then no need to worry but I had one dodgy chap following me round.£15-30 houses he was saying he would di half price found out who it was and he didn't do it again.

The point im making is I'm all for people starting up and even advise people but don't undercut or you may find yourself down Epping forest.

I did phone the guy that did it to me and the cheeky tw#t got funny with me as if I had done it to him. When I have gone out canvassing I have had a lot of people say to me 'how much do you charge if your cheaper than the one I have got I'll go with you ' and I just tell them I dont work like that because I would like it dont to me. but I did tell the guy if he does it again I will go around his work and charge £2 a house

Well said deano,thing is these s### normally disappear with out trace coz there on the dole and need a bit of drug money.

I've heard its tough round there,use to go up there when worked for national and few lads told me.

I'm Essex,Cambridge area loads of window cleaners and when sun comes out load of new ones start up.bit of rain and cold they soon disappear.

one bloke knocked on clients door and chased after him.

If your clients are happy with erm there should be no worries.

Thats the way I see it, if they dump me for someone cheaper they were no good in the first place, theres no point stressing over it.


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