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Working in low temperature


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john docherty

Active member
Whats the best squeegee rubber and the best soap for working bellow zero doing traditional seem to be getting some smears and lines when working about -1 anything that can be added
only in my 3rd year currently still the old traditional bucket and ladder but been finiding it really difficult past few days with temps water freezing on windows,any tips?and when shoukd i not even bother to go out? thanks
I had to pack up today at the first house, it was 12:30 and the water was freezing on the glass on the side of the house in full sunlight. Got to the back and it just sheeted over immediately, it was impossible to clean, looked a right mess so had to give up. The windows that I did will be frozen over for at least the next 48 hours. Don't know how cold it was but I reckon it must have been the coldest day yet.

I think we have to be careful not to push it too far. The state of the windows frozen over is not a pretty sight and if I was the customer I'd be pretty annoyed with my window cleaner attempting to clean them.

I'm taking tomorrow off and just going to get up early each day next week. Predicted to be 13c on Monday so it should be a doddle.

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Normally it’s ok if there is heat in the house I’ve found .I can understand it with conservatories as they are normally shut off from the house
Normally it’s ok if there is heat in the house I’ve found .I can understand it with conservatories as they are normally shut off from the house
Until today that's what I found. I think today was just so cold that even the outer glass was freezing despite there being warmth inside the house.

When I started at the front, well the sun had been on it fully for at least 2 hours, despite this the water was slushy on the glass and some of the panes were freezing slightly after scrubbing them. Steam was actually coming off the cold water I was using, I couldn't believe it, for a second I wondered if I had hot water :LOL:

I think it must be due to several days of it being below freezing. Earlier this week it was frost everywhere but the water wasn't freezing on the glass.
Tomorrow's forecast isn't too bad as it starts getting warmer earlier. Weekend getting better and better temp wise.
Wouldn't be so sure Ched although you're on the coast aren't you? Still not that far from me and my forecast is saying 13:00 is 0c , 14:00 is 1c, 15:00 is 0c. In the shade it will probably still be -5c.

Forecast for Monday is 13c and no lower than 9c though, all the way through the night. That's warmer than my house is in the morning at the moment ? Going to feel like spring :giggle:?
Wouldn't be so sure Ched although you're on the coast aren't you? Still not that far from me and my forecast is saying 13:00 is 0c , 14:00 is 1c, 15:00 is 0c. In the shade it will probably still be -5c.

Forecast for Monday is 13c and no lower than 9c though, all the way through the night. That's warmer than my house is in the morning at the moment ? Going to feel like spring :giggle:?
Yes only 1.5 miles from sea plus only 2 from tidal river creating a peninsular, so probably stays a few degrees warmer than inland. Tomorrow looks OK for me to get a few hrs in but yours only seem to get above 0 for an hour or so.
Good luck.
Yes only 1.5 miles from sea plus only 2 from tidal river creating a peninsular, so probably stays a few degrees warmer than inland. Tomorrow looks OK for me to get a few hrs in but yours only seem to get above 0 for an hour or so.
Good luck.
Yeah I'm just taking the day off, it will mean I've got a very busy week next week but at least it will be a lot warmer. Just have to get out early on Monday and make a good start.