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The Brexit Thread


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I read all about the markets everyday because its in my dna. Last week a trader was saying gold was going to move higher for 50 to 60 days in a row? Not sure, but he could be right if folk move money from stocks to PMs ( precious metals ). :1f609:

I read all about the markets everyday because its in my dna. Last week a trader was saying gold was going to move higher for 50 to 60 days in a row? Not sure, but he could be right if folk move money from stocks to PMs ( precious metals ). :1f609:
The whole things a joke to be fair mate, in the states where PM is primarily traded you can't physically buy the actual precious metal.

Heres another conspiracy theory for you, Fort Knox is actually empty. The US government sold the gold back in the 80's and 90's and there is nothing left. They keep it secret because the government debt is backed by the ability to pay it in gold bullion should it ever be called in.... Let me just find my tin foil hat ?

My dad believes in quite a few conspiracy theories to do with governments/ elections & the ‘Nwo’ I’ve watched a few YouTube docs over the years. Hmmm maybe. 

I got executed getting told to look up ‘nwo’ on YouTube, as I love watching the golden age of WWF wrestling ?

*Excited not executed 

thats another whole different conspiracy 

My dad believes in quite a few conspiracy theories to do with governments/ elections & the ‘Nwo’ I’ve watched a few YouTube docs over the years. Hmmm maybe. 

I got executed getting told to look up ‘nwo’ on YouTube, as I love watching the golden age of WWF wrestling ?
If you're interested I would suggest starting with either ''loose change'' on Youtube or ''Zeitgeist'' on Netflix.

I know a small firm nearly went bust coz one had hurt their arm for years.
Then it was a poorly run firm, under current employment law you can insit a worker sees a doctor approved by the company to give the company an idea of when this person will be fit (if at all) to return to normal duties

Current law also only obliges the company to pay a maximum of 28 weeks at £98.05 per week sick pay.  There is no 'entitlement' to a full salary regardless of urban myth. 

Done my research and totally legal but I am still keeping out the system as much as possible

Pimlico plumbers thought he'd done his research to mate.  Please be careful the precedent has been set 


They keep it secret because the government debt is backed by the ability to pay it in gold bullion should it ever be called in

China currently own about 26% of all American Debt, up by 22% 10 years ago, they will never go to war with the USA, they're just going to turn up one day and repossess them. 

Let's now hit on the topic of Racism, and how all brexiteers are racist, and all white people are racist, and white people can't even use a phrase like 'black people' without being dubbed a racist........

Can we guess the colour of the woman that wrote this diatribe?  


Now imagine I wrote a book......... 'Why I no longer quote 'Asian People' for Window Cleaning

Or 'How all 'black people' can do is talk about race'

Now I'm not fan of Corbyn, and here's the idiots latest mistake......... he mouthed 'stupid woman' under his breath..........oh the uproar.  What he should have said was 'f*&^ing idiot'........ not sexist or racist, perfectly acceptable.

Let your grannies know this.....   they are all going to get a punch in the face from me if we don't leave.  Why?  Simple, the vote was to leave, if we don't leave then there is no longer a democracy, the rules made to protect granny from a punch in the face were made under a democratic process, however no democracy any more means no democratic process so in short all laws made under a democratic regime become invalid. 

As for the poncy Remoaners that think if we cancel the vote it will just be a bunch of grumbling OAPS on their zimmer frames complaining at bingo he's got a shock to the system coming.   The Gestapo will need to suit up and tool up as it wont be pretty.    

How I voted is of no relevance, I voted, how you voted is of no relevance, you voted, all that is relevant is the result of the vote is adhered to to protect our democracy.   Any politicians working against brexit at present need to be dismissed instantly as they are not representing the will of the majority which is their job!   

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Then it was a poorly run firm, under current employment law you can insit a worker sees a doctor approved by the company to give the company an idea of when this person will be fit (if at all) to return to normal duties

Current law also only obliges the company to pay a maximum of 28 weeks at £98.05 per week sick pay.  There is no 'entitlement' to a full salary regardless of urban myth. 
That aint so bad then, they ditched her in the end. Shed come back for a while, then play on it again, went on and on. Actually I dont think they were so bad, had more money than they made out as some of em do.

Green Pro Clean Ltd said:
China currently own about 26% of all American Debt, up by 22% 10 years ago, they will never go to war with the USA, they're just going to turn up one day and repossess them. 
Yeh they are making huge inroads in africa too

Took me all morning reading this. As we can all feel Darren's anger, I believe it is hard or near impossible being an employer and make money. The rights an employee has is unbelievable and the courts usually side on the employee. In the fire service we would spend more time discussing the morning drill than doing it because we had to find the definition of the words in the drill book. Some folk read it one way and some another way. Lawyers love it and they right it in such a complicated way that it keeps them in business. If on the other hand they made it simple then we wouldn't really need them. That's why its still wrote in Latin to confuse us simple folk.

we can all feel Darren's anger,

Dispondent, indifferent, never angry, takes too much energy. 

The rights an employee has is unbelievable and the courts usually side on the employee

Yes they have a crazy amount of rights however the honest fact is most employers simply don't bother reading or understanding the employment laws.  They rely on the time tested insurance policy of 'it will never happen to me'  

I wasn't sure I wanted to be an employer so I spent several weeks studying, reading and learning every aspect of the rules to be sure it would suit my business. (I now have 19 separate books on the topic)   Once satisfied with rules and regs I moved forward. 

Whilst employees have rights believe me, if I wanted to get rid of my entire staff today I could do so with total ease as I understand the laws and how to apply reason to them. 

It's easier to say 'it's too much hassle to deal with so i'm not going to bother' and hence never expand than it is to study it so you understand it with ease and continue to grow well.  Same applies to VAT. 

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Then it was a poorly run firm, under current employment law you can insit a worker sees a doctor approved by the company to give the company an idea of when this person will be fit (if at all) to return to normal duties

Current law also only obliges the company to pay a maximum of 28 weeks at £98.05 per week sick pay.  There is no 'entitlement' to a full salary regardless of urban myth. 

Pimlico plumbers thought he'd done his research to mate.  Please be careful the precedent has been set 


China currently own about 26% of all American Debt, up by 22% 10 years ago, they will never go to war with the USA, they're just going to turn up one day and repossess them. 

Let's now hit on the topic of Racism, and how all brexiteers are racist, and all white people are racist, and white people can't even use a phrase like 'black people' without being dubbed a racist........

Can we guess the colour of the woman that wrote this diatribe?  

View attachment 15367

Now imagine I wrote a book......... 'Why I no longer quote 'Asian People' for Window Cleaning

Or 'How all 'black people' can do is talk about race'

Now I'm not fan of Corbyn, and here's the idiots latest mistake......... he mouthed 'stupid woman' under his breath..........oh the uproar.  What he should have said was 'f*&^ing idiot'........ not sexist or racist, perfectly acceptable.

Let your grannies know this.....   they are all going to get a punch in the face from me if we don't leave.  Why?  Simple, the vote was to leave, if we don't leave then there is no longer a democracy, the rules made to protect granny from a punch in the face were made under a democratic process, however no democracy any more means no democratic process so in short all laws made under a democratic regime become invalid. 

As for the poncy Remoaners that think if we cancel the vote it will just be a bunch of grumbling OAPS on their zimmer frames complaining at bingo he's got a shock to the system coming.   The Gestapo will need to suit up and tool up as it wont be pretty.    

How I voted is of no relevance, I voted, how you voted is of no relevance, you voted, all that is relevant is the result of the vote is adhered to to protect our democracy.   Any politicians working against brexit at present need to be dismissed instantly as they are not representing the will of the majority which is their job!   
precisely, the vote was done and the result was clear. Cant keep re doing it till they want the result they wanted. Though its apparent this is what they are about. scaring people witless about availability of medications, jobs, etc etc and on and on, trying their best to get everyone ready for an overturning of the result and back to square one. Flippin joke. What little faith and respect I had for the system will be gone for ever, and wont come back in a hurry. 

And im quite a mild mannered chap, but they'l certainly have trouble on their hands.

Pimlico Plumbers now theres a character, small Charlie mullins. My forte is to study arrogant people. After watching and reading what they have to say, I wait to see what will happen to them. The plane boss was a good one when he said he would charge his passengers a euro to use the toilets on his plane because he didn't care for them nor the pilots. What he failed to understand is, his customers hold him up at the top of the company triangle. Without them, they fall down to ground level. Once that happens one doesn't see them on TV nor hear from them in the media, like a wounded animal, hiding under a bush licking their wounds. My father was the same, arrogant business man who cared for two things. Money and dollybirds, my mother and I kept his business going or it would have collapsed. Corbyn looks like he could be ready for a fall after lying to 70 million people, I believe some folk cant help it.

precisely, the vote was done and the result was clear. Cant keep re doing it till they want the result they wanted. Though its apparent this is what they are about. scaring people witless about availability of medications, jobs, etc etc and on and on, trying their best to get everyone ready for an overturning of the result and back to square one. Flippin joke. What little faith and respect I had for the system will be gone for ever, and wont come back in a hurry. 

And im quite a mild mannered chap, but they'l certainly have trouble on their hands.
My dad was a dustman all his life (oh my old mans a dustman ?) in Lambeth, south London.

He was a staunch union man and detested the tories.

When that trog Dianne Abbott said “people that voted to leave were all rascist”, he has vowed to never vote labour again until her and Corbyn are out of the party.

He said this because 9 years ago he re married. His wife (my stepmother) is half Indian.

He voted out and hasn’t got a rascist bone in his body 

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My dad was a dustman all his life (oh my old mans a dustman ?) in Lambeth, south London.

He was a staunch union man and detested the tories.

When that trog Dianne Abbott said “people that voted to leave were all rascist”, he has vowed to never vote labour again until her and Corbyn are out of the party.

He said this because 9 years ago he re married. His wife (my stepmother) is half Indian.

He voted out and hasn’t got a rascist bone in his body 
Too true, for the vast majority who voted leave are not in the least racist, probably less so than many who voted remain.

I was brought up in a labour voting family, (apart from one grandad who was a bit of an alf garnet bless him) but they steadily went downhill and reached alow point with tony Bliar. 

Yes, also many Indians/sihks etc have voted leave so that Abbott woman is a right muppet ? (couldnt fiind a muppet so frog will do)

under current employment law you can insit a worker sees a doctor approved by the company to give the company an idea of when this person will be fit
Most companies have ''occupational health'' that you can refer people to. You aren't legally allowed to insist on this anymore though. If they choose not to see the doctor there is nothing the company can do to force them. I experienced this at my last job. If they refuse however then its really easy to legitimately get rid, the idea of going to to see them is to see what you can do and what the company can do to support you. If you make reasonable changes and an employee still can't complete their role you are well within your rights to let them go.

With sick pay you are right there is no statutory need to pay them full salary. £100 or whatever per week or the amount they are contracted for, whichever is lower. Really important bit as well, you don't pay anything for the first 3 working days which will put people off taking a random sickie here and there.

Pimlico plumbers thought he'd done his research to mate.  Please be careful the precedent has been set 
This is still so common place in the construction industry. My little brother and his fiancé just had their second child, straight back to work the next day. His boss ''pays his tax''. They do legitimately pay his tax but they do it this way because when you register as self employed online there is a massive notice telling you if you work for just one company it is likely you are not self employed. They take an amount from the lads and the company accountant legitimately pays it using each lads URN. This guy has massive contracts with huge multi national companies. I kicked off when he told me he wasn't getting paternity leave, even self employed people are entitled to this. As he told me, if he kicks up a fuss there will be no work for him next week!

Cannot give you a bigger thumbs up for the bottom of that post and I ain't even read it all yet!!

Whilst employees have rights believe me, if I wanted to get rid of my entire staff today I could do so with total ease as I understand the laws and how to apply reason to them. 
Even without knowing the law the biggest protection an employer has comes in the first 2 years. If you fire someone with less than 2 years service no court in the land will hear a case unless they claim it is sexually or racially motivated. Anyone with half a brain can find out the ins and outs of an employee and if they are a good fit within 2 years. Beyond that you have prepared yourself to deal with any potential issues, laughing!

The problem with EU is this, its too big. No one knows who is coming in to your country. In anything, you need a register so you can account for everyone. With no regulation then in the fullness of time it quickly becomes a mess.

Even without knowing the law the biggest protection an employer has comes in the first 2 years. If you fire someone with less than 2 years service no court in the land will hear a case unless they claim it is sexually or racially motivated. Anyone with half a brain can find out the ins and outs of an employee and if they are a good fit within 2 years. Beyond that you have prepared yourself to deal with any potential issues, laughing!

I think its a year now, Paddy.

 the vote was done and the result was clear

I think it's really great that so many Leave voters knew exactly what they were voting for. Let's face it the choice was easy between: "Remain" or "Soft Brexit, Hard Brexit, Chequers, Canada+, Canada+++, Norway for now, Norway+, EEA, EFTA, WTO, May’s deal, No deal, Managed no deal, Job’s first Brexit, Clean Brexit, Red, White and Blue Brexit or Brexit means Brexit Brexit" I never realised there were so many clairvoyants amongst us.

The problem with EU is this, its too big. No one knows who is coming in to your country. In anything, you need a register so you can account for everyone. With no regulation then in the fullness of time it quickly becomes a mess.
Just look back at the history books, every previous empire got too big to manage itself and failed. Rome, Greece, Persia are all good examples of this!

The problem with EU is this, its too big. No one knows who is coming in to your country. In anything, you need a register so you can account for everyone. With no regulation then in the fullness of time it quickly becomes a mess.

The Brexiteers promised they would take back control.

But we always had control, they just chose not to use it.
Freedom of movement was never free, without a job we could send you back home after 6 months, but we couldn’t because Tories slashed border staff & as then Home Secretary Theresa May ended exit checks.
Industry still needs workers, but Tories privatised apprenticeships provider: LearnDirect now rated Inadequate by Ofsted & apprenticeships numbers have collapsed.
Likewise they removed nurses training bursaries.
We want control of our streets but they’ve cut 10s of 1000s of police & youth centres.
£bns taken from councils.
Austerity was always about the right wing dream of a small state, but the last 8 years has shown that with a small state we lose control.

Scapegoating the EU was the easy answer, crying ‘bullying’ when they tell us we can’t keep the benefits of membership after we leave is the easy answer.

Depressing that so many people lap it up.
We always had control, but austerity, not EU membership took it away from us.

He voted out and hasn’t got a rascist bone in his body
Nothing racist in wanting to control who is coming to our country in todays day and age. Because of the EU we can't just stop paying benefits to people coming from anywhere in the world. If they make it here they can claim on our benefit system, use the NHS and so on. Look at the likes of Abu Hanza, walks around preaching death to white people and our taxes fund it. Except @Dave B, as we have discovered he doesn't pay any ??

Just look back at the history books, every previous empire got too big to manage itself and failed. Rome, Greece, Persia are all good examples of this!

Commonwealth. The ECB announced this week that it is stopping QE (printing iou's, Bonds) big trouble coming and another credit crunch. Its fiscal policy is a mess so it will either break up or start QE again.

Nothing racist in wanting to control who is coming to our country in todays day and age. Because of the EU we can't just stop paying benefits to people coming from anywhere in the world. If they make it here they can claim on our benefit system, use the NHS and so on. Look at the likes of Abu Hanza, walks around preaching death to white people and our taxes fund it. Except @Dave B, as we have discovered he doesn't pay any ??

Handy :1f602:

  • Also.... On a tangent here. The Tories took pretty much an entire day in parliament complaining that old father time said ''stupid woman'' and banging on about equality... Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't a tory MP vote against a motion to ban up skirting?
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