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Price rise after 5 yrs.


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After 5 yrs of cleaning windows decided to price rise a few houses this particular customer sent me this text today after I sent the following. 

Dear customer price rise from £6 - £7 from July any queries let me know thanks. 

His response was actually funny but also borderline bullying your thoughts guys?

"No queries with that at all mate but def a prob with it..thats a rise of over 16%..not happening for me..my neighbours get theres done for £5.50 by traditional method which still gets the windows cleaned..so your choice to keep cost at £6 for me no matter wat or... happy wiping!!
New vans and fancy filtration dont cut it?"

I ask what the frequency of the trad cleaners schedule is because that get conveniently forgotten about. There are only a few trad cleaners left in our area. Most of those still work on a 2 weekly clean schedule. So if his next door neighbour is on a 2 weekly clean, his 4 weekly clean costs him much less than his neighbour per month/per year and he's getting a better job.

I used this reasoning on several occassions, especially if you are quoting a 6 to 8 weekly cleaning schedule.

This very much depends on your financial circumstances,  my reply. It actually equates to 3% per annum but to save putting them up every year I wait till it's a round number. This has cost me money over the last 5 years and I very much doubt you haven't had a pay rise in this time. Good luck with the traditional window cleaner, I hope he is as good and as reliable as I've been. Regards
I personally wouldn't give him the satisfaction of communicating with him, other than as has been suggested by Steve Garwood. "Goodbye". Some times in communication, less is more. Especially with rude customers. You would leave him with you having had the last word. Even though it's a worry in the early stages of your business your financial circumstances will be much stronger in the longer term if you don't allow customers to dictate. 

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I personally wouldn't give him the satisfaction of communicating with him, other than as has been suggested by Steve Garwood. "Goodbye". Some times in communication, less is more. Especially with rude customers. You would leave him with you having had the last word. 
Each to their own, with my method I've replied and explained why. If others chose not to then again that's up to them. In the days of reviews and social media, short quips can have implications, that's why I started with "depends on your financial circumstances" @steve garwoodis married to a millionairess ? and has a very well established business so can say what he wants. @Tangois new and struggling to establish himself, with my reply the latter has a chance to keep the customer and get his price rise.

I understand that Part Timer, but I wouldn't tolerate rudeness from a customer, certainly not that level. I wouldn't want any of you guys spoken to like that either. It's important to have a level of respect both ways with customers. Personally I wouldn't worry about the fb Mafia either. Our own integrity will carry us through with the decent customers we gain along the way. Respect to all on this forum. We're all hard working guys trying to get by. 

Each to their own, with my method I've replied and explained why. If others chose not to then again that's up to them. In the days of reviews and social media, short quips can have implications, that's why I started with "depends on your financial circumstances" @steve garwoodis married to a millionairess ? and has a very well established business so can say what he wants. @Tangois new and struggling to establish himself, with my reply the latter has a chance to keep the customer and get his price rise.
 Billionairess I think you’ll find ?

I fully understand and agree, but when you've just started and struggling sometimes you have to button your lip. Yes you have to stand firm and not kowtow to them. When you're paying your bills then the likes of these can be put in their place, and it is very enjoyable doing so. 

Went to see the skalites in bexleyheath last week, and I did indeed have my tonics and ten hole DMs on, as did my mates. Bloody awesome 
I’m thinking of going to Skamouth this November in my camper. 

Are you going?

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I’m thinking of going to Skamouth this November in my camper. 

Are you going?
My mate Terry is looking into that for us, we went two years ago.

We’ve booked up for Folkestone Skabour in September.

Generally go to  a ska do around once a month, groups like toot and skamen, mainly madness, the scorchers, the equalisers, skabretta, and my favourites the skalites ?

I need to get kitted out Ben Sherman, pair brogues etc think I’m too fat now days for a Ben Sherman as they were always a tight fit anyway when I was slim?

I personally wouldn't give him the satisfaction of communicating with him, other than as has been suggested by Steve Garwood. "Goodbye". Some times in communication, less is more. Especially with rude customers. You would leave him with you having had the last word. Even though it's a worry in the early stages of your business your financial circumstances will be much stronger in the longer term if you don't allow customers to dictate. 
I agree totally no sence in getting into a war of text that's why I sent sorry to lose your custom as most likely he was expecting a smart response 

 @Tangois new and struggling to establish himself, with my reply the latter has a chance to keep the customer and get his price rise.

WAS struggling lol. I'm doing alright now - picking up that one or two a day generally when i go knocking. Didn't get any "work" today but took a booking for friday. I prefer the cash jobs where i knock and they say "yes right now" but a booking ahead is still a new customer. My initial mistake was dropping 600 leaflets on a new build... I gained one customer there - one. Another did contact me recently about cleaning one of her rental properties when the current tenants move out too but that's a one off. I'm avoiding new builds now.

I agree totally no sence in getting into a war of text that's why I sent sorry to lose your custom as most likely he was expecting a smart response 

Is there even a point in replying? - Sometimes it's just best to ignore completely..

Take a deep breath, block his number, delete him from the round and move on 

No point replying because inevitably you get another smart reply back and you only wind yourself up by getting angry.

Take a deep breath, block his number, delete him from the round and move on 

No point replying because inevitably you get another smart reply back and you only wind yourself up by getting angry.
yes this is the perfect response....onward and upward......remember theres far more decent customers out there than the odd sad annoying one!.....


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