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Struggling / not sure where to go with myself


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you need to treble the marketing to get a RESULT! if you put out 5k leaflets it needs to be 15k and so on. Facebook is very worthwhile if you can get your posts on Marketplace thats golden. Post daily on at least 2 social media platforms - images of you and your thoughts when out at work-itll take a year to get a following but guarantee you Will,long as you post Daily no letting up. Either get a friend [or a fake profile] to comment on your FB posts "when are you coming to mine? Archie is asking can you do his same time?
1. Chap doors either side of a property you clean (if not already a customer). Ditto properties across street or nearby. It takes minutes (short spiel) and the answer is always 1. Got a cleaner 2. Do them myself/not interested or 3. Please price. if 3, they normally always say yes.

2. Leaflets are a waste of time in my mind. Conversion rate must be so low for almost all window cleaners.

3. Get on new estates just as the first person occupies the first house. Clean it, chap neighbours - do this all the time to become dominant force in the estate
Definitely going to start chapping some doors might do a hour or two of a evening now that the football seasons just coming to an end. I done some canvassing training but I think I need to build the confidence up by just doing it my own way short simple.

'Hi I've just started cleaning up the way I was wondering if you have a window cleaner? Yes/No. Could I give you a quick price and see if you could be tempted? Bla bla bla'
Definitely going to start chapping some doors might do a hour or two of a evening now that the football seasons just coming to an end. I done some canvassing training but I think I need to build the confidence up by just doing it my own way short simple.

'Hi I've just started cleaning up the way I was wondering if you have a window cleaner? Yes/No. Could I give you a quick price and see if you could be tempted? Bla bla bla'
I usually keep it short and sweet. " Do you have a window cleaner?". Yes - Have a nice day/afternoon, No - I can give you a quote now if you like?
Definitely going to start chapping some doors might do a hour or two of a evening now that the football seasons just coming to an end. I done some canvassing training but I think I need to build the confidence up by just doing it my own way short simple.

'Hi I've just started cleaning up the way I was wondering if you have a window cleaner? Yes/No. Could I give you a quick price and see if you could be tempted? Bla bla bla'
Chapping doors, what an odd saying. Never heard that before
You’ve done well so far mate. I would say just slow down a bit. Set yourself more manageable and achievable goals that will still move you forward while concentrating on becoming reliable and good at what you do . A lot of new windies forget this bit and just want to be big too quickly.
If you go canvassing say twice a week for 2 hrs at a time and get maybe 2 to 6 customers each week then that’s good . Work leads to more work and before you know it you’ll be turning people away. As others have said no sales patter is needed . Just a “do you need a window cleaner” if not move on
I've been having the same thoughts lately. Everything I do is completely demotivating. My job doesn't make me happy at all and only brings me hatred and sleep deprivation. I've been trying to improve the conversion rate on my site and have been working a few more hours than usual trying to do side things. The only thing I'm happy about is blogging on Medium which gives me some good feedback and attention. I hope to find some tips here to help me get motivated again.
What iv learned is that any aspect of the job you Really hate should be leaned into bigtime, in time it becomes the bit you love! e,g. i hated doling out flyers so i printed 5k flyers and doled every single one out -then printed a big stash of fresh flyers Every Xmas break- for 5 yrs running.i loved the screech noise as burning out home printer couldnt cope with the load .
Hated/feared 3 storey ladderwork-guess what i ended up with a lot of it -and employees aplenty . I ended up dropping the 3 storey work after a few yrs but only cos we got too much lower work . Actually i handed over that work to a wfp guy ,gratis, after a few weeks i asked him how he was getting along ,he said "can you come a clean them with me,for the 1st couple of cleans!
Evening all.

Thought I’d post a little response.

As of today we have 227 customers, 1 part time employee, ranked 2nd for seo in my area and have exceeded my goal of £30,000.

It was tough, learnt some good lessons and became a solid canvasser just don’t particularly like doing it. Aiming to put on another 100 customers by the end of next month and I’m planning on doing a massive leaflet drop (some will say don’t do it but if it works for Lee Pryor why wouldn’t it work for me)

If anyone is struggling trust me it takes time to build and it eventually will. Keep grinding learn ways of marketing. Knock doors, post leaflets, post Facebook ads.

Upselling is key also! This week alone on 3 new cleans I’ve upsold them to FSG cleans adding £360 to the day.

Hopefully in a few years time I’ll look back at this post with a few vans on the road and think.

I have made it
Evening all.

Thought I’d post a little response.

As of today we have 227 customers, 1 part time employee, ranked 2nd for seo in my area and have exceeded my goal of £30,000.

It was tough, learnt some good lessons and became a solid canvasser just don’t particularly like doing it. Aiming to put on another 100 customers by the end of next month and I’m planning on doing a massive leaflet drop (some will say don’t do it but if it works for Lee Pryor why wouldn’t it work for me)

If anyone is struggling trust me it takes time to build and it eventually will. Keep grinding learn ways of marketing. Knock doors, post leaflets, post Facebook ads.

Upselling is key also! This week alone on 3 new cleans I’ve upsold them to FSG cleans adding £360 to the day.

Hopefully in a few years time I’ll look back at this post with a few vans on the road and think.

I have made it
Just remember to have some you time and don't burn yourself out. Money isn't as valuable as happiness
Just remember to have some you time and don't burn yourself out. Money isn't as valuable as happinessi t

Just remember to have some you time and don't burn yourself out. Money isn't as valuable as happiness
I try my best. I coach football Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 7/7 games unbeaten at the moment. Hopefully to make that 8/8 with 9 points tomorrow 🤩 at a decent level as well gutted I can’t play now
Evening all.

Thought I’d post a little response.

As of today we have 227 customers, 1 part time employee, ranked 2nd for seo in my area and have exceeded my goal of £30,000.

It was tough, learnt some good lessons and became a solid canvasser just don’t particularly like doing it. Aiming to put on another 100 customers by the end of next month and I’m planning on doing a massive leaflet drop (some will say don’t do it but if it works for Lee Pryor why wouldn’t it work for me)

If anyone is struggling trust me it takes time to build and it eventually will. Keep grinding learn ways of marketing. Knock doors, post leaflets, post Facebook ads.

Upselling is key also! This week alone on 3 new cleans I’ve upsold them to FSG cleans adding £360 to the day.

Hopefully in a few years time I’ll look back at this post with a few vans on the road and think.

I have made it
Reading through the entire thread, I'd say you've done exceptionally well for the time you've been in business 👏 probably better than me in over 24 years because I'm a bit of lazy sod :ROFLMAO:

I think Chris Addis spoke about you a few weeks ago in one of his videos, it might have been someone else but thinking back it does seem like it could have been you.

You have just got to keep on pushing on, it's a much bigger pond these days with even more fish so it takes more effort than it would have 5-10 years ago.
Hi all,

I'm turning 23 in a week or so and I've lost a load of motivation since I started up in December 23.

Currently got 153 customers and it roughly brings in £1900 a month (according to squeegee)

Problem is I am not happy with that and I want to be bringing in another £1000 so I can pay myself as I've not been getting paid at all everything is going back into the business. I'm thinking of getting a loan to pay canvassers as I've tried myself and I'm not the best at it I struggle to find areas to go and I've got 5k leaflets to going out but I haven't had a single call from them as of yet.

I was wondering how do I scale my business to find customers better or should I pay for canvassing to get the extra work in or is there any tips on how to find areas to target to be able to get the work in.

Hope that makes sense to you all thanks for reading hope you're all out earning and keeping the ladders up and poles high.

Shame you are not closer to London I would love to canvass for you. I like canvassing more than cleaning :cool:
take a holiday
sit back and see what you have. A bussiness that makes money every day you are out
Treat your self & partner if you have one .
you do what you want to do
go to work when you want to
So So many benefits than being an employee
£1900 a month T hats a great wage for you this early on
Reading through the entire thread, I'd say you've done exceptionally well for the time you've been in business 👏 probably better than me in over 24 years because I'm a bit of lazy sod :ROFLMAO:

I think Chris Addis spoke about you a few weeks ago in one of his videos, it might have been someone else but thinking back it does seem like it could have been you.

You have just got to keep on pushing on, it's a much bigger pond these days with even more fish so it takes more effort than it would have 5-10 years ago.
Chris has spoken about me a couple times in a couple of videos he’s great Chris gave me solid advice when I was starting up, he’s the reason I became business minded instead of being sole operator minded.

Going to start adding in gutter clearing more as it’s a big earner and we get a fair few enquires weekly for it got 2 booked in for tomorrow one for Friday

May set up a landing page and run some ads🤷‍♂️
Shame you are not closer to London I would love to canvass for you. I like canvassing more than cleaning :cool:
I prefer being a salesman myself.

My boss in Halfords said to me “I don’t want you messing around with tools, you might be good with them but you’re wasted when you have the potential to be a top salesman”

Never thought about it much but as I’ve gotten older and understood how the business world relies on sales my mind has changed and sales is my favourite thing now
take a holiday
sit back and see what you have. A bussiness that makes money every day you are out
Treat your self & partner if you have one .
you do what you want to do
go to work when you want to
So So many benefits than being an employee
£1900 a month T hats a great wage for you this early on
Unfortunately the business isn’t in a position to take a holiday. If my lad could drive then it would be sound I’d just email him his job sheets fir the week and piss off abroad.

Hopefully going away in the winter when things are dying down but we’ll see.

Last holiday I went on was 7 years ago when I left school so definitely overdue one
Unfortunately the business isn’t in a position to take a holiday. If my lad could drive then it would be sound I’d just email him his job sheets fir the week and **** off abroad.

Hopefully going away in the winter when things are dying down but we’ll see.

Last holiday I went on was 7 years ago when I left school so definitely overdue one
Take a break have a holiday and tell your customers you are taking a break.

No point being self employed if you can't have some needed time off. The line the "business isn't in a position" sounds like you let it run your life
Take a break have a holiday and tell your customers you are taking a break.

No point being self employed if you can't have some needed time off. The line the "business isn't in a position" sounds like you let it run your life
To be fair. The amount of enquiries I get daily id be kicking myself for missing out on the money. I’m still young once I’m happy with how things are running and I can just go away on holiday I’ll do it. I’d rather go on holiday without stressing about work than go on holiday stressing.

I’m used to not taking holidays because of work anyway I like to graft and I want to be able to look back at the start up and say I’m glad I put my all in early on.

I’ve had a couple days off over the weekend. Stayed over at a family members Friday football Saturday and today I’ve been in bed all day got up at 3pm booked in 3 decent jobs high ticket stuff and now I’m just sat doing some admin stuff.
the biggest load of tosh iv heard so many times is "work smarter not harder " most always its said by some guy whose wife is working all hours while they creep out to work at ten a.m.
Iv personally found that the harder i work the more avenues open up. Work to somewhere near my capacity physically is my mantra

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