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Annoying pain.....


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In my left arm an top left hand side of my back,anyone else get this?
I'm using an 18 clx an I'm thinking of getting a 22 for that extra length so I can stand further out at the bottom.
Anyone else get this an do you think a longer pkle will help?
Thanks in advance l
Sorry to hear that mate
In my left arm an top left hand side of my back,anyone else get this?
I'm using an 18 clx an I'm thinking of getting a 22 for that extra length so I can stand further out at the bottom.
Anyone else get this an do you think a longer pkle will help?
Thanks in advance l

In my left arm an top left hand side of my back,anyone else get this?
I'm using an 18 clx an I'm thinking of getting a 22 for that extra length so I can stand further out at the bottom.
Anyone else get this an do you think a longer pkle will help?
Thanks in advance l
Sorry to hear that mate. Sounds nasty.
I've not had that particular issue but I found a big difference in switching to a lighter pole and brush more than longer pole. Although I couldn't get away with a 18 footer anyway
Thank you lads,I was looking at the slx but it's only 100 grams lighter,not much difference,I couldn't afford the next pole up lol
Start weight training in the gym 3 days a week.this has been the number 1 best thing for me WFP cleaning (and using extreme poles).

I started weights seriously again 8 years ago at 44.im now 52 and built up my upper back,neck,arms,shoulders,etc which helps a lot for reducing strain when working.ive be WFP for 14 years now.

Seeing a local chiropractor or physiotherapist will help with your strain mate.?
Thank you lads for the tips,tho it's not that sore,its just when I'm working it annoys me,think I might go for the slx an a light brush tho I was looking to get a 35cm brush,is there any light ones youd recommend?
Thank you lads for the tips,tho it's not that sore,its just when I'm working it annoys me,think I might go for the slx an a light brush tho I was looking to get a 35cm brush,is there any light ones youd recommend?
You can try out my 35cm setup mate if you wanna travel the short distance to top of Scotland ?
Thank you lads for the tips,tho it's not that sore,its just when I'm working it annoys me,think I might go for the slx an a light brush tho I was looking to get a 35cm brush,is there any light ones youd recommend?
I've recently switched to 35CM XTREME BRUSH - DUPONT TAPERTEC HYBRID with 4 x 1.4mm jets and find it great. I found it so good I bought another one and the 35CM SILL XTREME BRUSH - FLOCKED so I have 1 x 35cm brush on each of my poles. They might not last as long as the non extreme brushes but they are so much lighter especially when reaching over connys or extensions. The weight of a brush isn't that critical when used vertically but when used horizontally over a conny etc every gram is magnified by the leverage of the pole length.
Start weight training in the gym 3 days a week.this has been the number 1 best thing for me WFP cleaning (and using extreme poles).

I started weights seriously again 8 years ago at 44.im now 52 and built up my upper back,neck,arms,shoulders,etc which helps a lot for reducing strain when working.ive be WFP for 14 years now.

Seeing a local chiropractor or physiotherapist will help with your strain mate.?
Ye deffo some sort of intense exercise helps. I thought I was relatively fit until I started Thai boxing with my lad. It was quite tough on the body to begin with until I got used to it but now I very rarely pull a muscle or have any work related injury’s. They also taught me different stretches/warm up exercises that can prevent any pulls as it’s easily done overstretching over conny or when using bigger heavier poles. I honestly though I was relatively fit doin this job most my life and having a fairly active social life, 10,000 steps a day n all that😂
Boy was I wrong. I usually go min 3 times a week and do my own bits in between and although sometimes it can be gruelling especially after a sh1tty day at work I deffo feel better about myself when I’ve been. I would certainly recommend it as it’s not only good for the body but the mind also which is just as important.
I think I may have had a similar pain . On the back of my shoulder . A sports massage sorted it out . If you think it’s muscular that would be my first call.
In my left arm an top left hand side of my back,anyone else get this?
I'm using an 18 clx an I'm thinking of getting a 22 for that extra length so I can stand further out at the bottom.
Anyone else get this an do you think a longer pkle will help?
Thanks in advance l
@francie I have a muscle problem on my left side which flares up. I am unable to take anti-inflammatories as they cause me other problems. I have to say that switching from a CLX to an SLX will probably help. I know it's only 100 grams but the less flex in the pole really helps control. Also not overstretching will help, so maybe buy an extension section for bigger jobs. Although most window cleaners now often use swivel goosenecks, I find if the swivel is too loose it aggravates my muscle problem. It's something to do with the way you adjust your grip on the pole when using a swivel but I can't remember exactly the reason. When the gooseneck is fixed/stationary your grip, hand and arm positions move less. I now have the adjustment bolt on the gooseneck quite tight, so it's almost like a fixed one, but I can adjust it for awkward windows if necessary. Apologies if you have already tried this but I found it really helped. Exactly as the other people on here have said if you use a heavy brush head then an ultimate or Xtreme brush will be lighter on maintenance cleans.
A massage gun can also help with muscle aches and strains.it basically relaxes the muscles and allows more blood flow in to promote healing.all the physios use them these days.ive got a pulse roll mini with a heated attachment.

Brushes are a personal thing but for regular window cleaning I don't use anything heavier than a gardiners supreme brush on an xtreme 25 with carbon gooseneck.i have lots of large houses and properties with extensions,connys and skylights so I'm constantly cleaning windows at awkward angles.a lot of the time for these jobs I use an xtreme brush.it makes a massive difference in how you feel at the end of the day.

Nothing beats the massage I got in the Maldives a few years ago.the asian lady was only around 5ft tall and she had to straddle me to properly massage my back.🤣

I felt amazing afterwards!👍