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Any slx-18 users?


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Well, I think I would want end caps though. I can't see the ends of a carbon fiber poles standing up too well to everyday knocks without cracking or splintering. Though at least Gardiner poles are wrapped CF and not extruded, which would last even shorter.
A question for @Alex Gardiner … Only the outer section of your CF poles are coated. So dropping sections to use a smaller pole would mean holding a non-coated pole (lots of CF dust on your hands ). Can the other poles be coated with maybe a fiberglass gel coat without causing problems of the poles no longer sliding easily when back together? I know that I can spray a light lacquer coat, but that wears off quickly. So, I was thinking of a fiberglass top coat resin.
Dropping the base section off would mean holding a non-insulated carbon fibre section with the inherent risk.

You could fibre glass coat it but that would affect the OD size of the section and would create issues with the other sections sliding back on them again.

It may in this case be better to buy the smallest pole you know you will want - such as maybe an SLX25 and then add a No.6 and No.7 extension sections for the odd occasions that you need a 35ft pole. This would leave you insulated at all times.

We do!
We even sell extensions so that you can buy the smallest pole you need and then extend if ever needed /emoticons/smile.png


Tell you what Alex. That's an arse about way of doing it. Just tread hose trough extension. Put end caps on.DONE. Why take brush head off?

Or just have the pole hose run on the outside of the pole like I do instead /emoticons/biggrin.png

Having the pole hose run on the outside of a pole not only can you add or take off sections quickly it also can become a multi purpose pole quickly so that can be used for other things.

Having the pole hose run on the outside of a pole not only can you add or take off sections quickly it also can become a multi purpose pole quickly so that can be used for other things.
But not everyone likes the hose on the outside. Personally I find it annoying flapping about and it is a snag hazard in many places.

The process of removing the brush head isn't a big step IMO and worth it to keep the hose up the inside. Though I do find the whole end cap thing a pain as you need to carry end caps about in your pocket.

So, that is why I prefer the idea of a large and a medium pole e.g. a 35ft and 18ft as per this thread's conversation - no faffing, end caps or brush heads. Also, you have some redundancy in the van in case of equipment failure on the job.

^^^ Yup..... I agree :thumbsup:. I have the SLX22 and SLX35.....great poles and perfect sizes for me /emoticons/smile.png.

Got to be honest, I really couldn't be bothered to start taking poles apart or rebuilding them at a job.

Oh I see,..................So instead of buying a SLX-18 at £207, I just need an assortment of end-caps. I can reduce the size of the pole to the required length. Thanks Alex. :laugh:
My above comment was tongue in cheek, just a little fun. I want to just disconnect one pole and swap for another as quickly as possible.

Tell you what Alex. That's an arse about way of doing it. Just tread hose trough extension. Put end caps on.DONE. Why take brush head off?
that's how i do it if i understand you right, i do it this way, as brush can get stuck so badly it takes ages to take off.
