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Any tips for cleaning sills on upstairs windows?


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Jason Etheridge

Well-known member
Hello my fellow glass lovers!

Has anyone got any tips for cleaning sills on non-ground floor windows?

Because you can't actually see if loads of crud has ran out the sill seal I'm worried out results.

I use a sill brush, but in my experience you can clean it all nice, then 5 seconds later stuff runs out, and it would seem endless rising doesnt always help.

I was thinking about putting a dry cloth over the brush at the end and just wiping them over??

Any ideas / tips?



Two passes with the water turned off. I've never had a complaint regarding a top cill yet . Do custys check there top cills . I don't think most of em even check there windows .

Two passes with the water turned off. I've never had a complaint regarding a top cill yet . Do custys check there top cills . I don't think most of em even check there windows .
We have one house that is in shadow all winter. If I continue to see bits in the rinse water as it comes off the sill, I'll do as Elliot does and 'brush' the cill in one stroke to remove any bits with the water off. If I'm still concerned, then I sometimes wrap a dry towel over the brush head and run that across the cills before I do the downstairs.

Too much faffing Jason - you are already using a sill brush which is a great all rounder and there isn't much you can do about the endless little bits that run out from under the window.

So long as you give the sill a couple of passes the dirt will be lifted, When dry the little bits will either blow or wash off in any rain.

Cheers, Mike

Each time you do them more of the muck will be removed from the gap between frame and sill

Just do the same every time and you'll have no problems

Just hope for the best really. Goes to show though can be ocd about bottom sill but upstairs just scrub and hope for best. Which means most custys art as fussy as we are and we could probably get away with a bit more than we think

some sills can b a pain in the ars what i do is clean all the tops and sills then clean bottom windows then rap a peace of flannelt sheeting round the brush then just give the top sills a finel swipe

Cheers for the advice!

The reason I was a little eeek about this was the customer let a cleaner go because of a bad job.

Quote: Water stains were on the windows when dry and the frames and sills were still dirty.

I said give us a try and see what you think.

I did the job, and went up the ladder to clean the sills by hand.

Got a text today saying thanks for a good job and please come back next month.

Happy customer!


If you make sure all the muck is out of the gap between frame and sill then just runnthe brush over it each time as you know they will be spotless
