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I usually do 7 hour day. My hours i give myself are roughly 9am till 4pm ... ish.

I look for about £180 - 200 per day.

Some days are better or worse than others. Depends on how easy / enjoyable those particular houses are and how im feeling. I do enjoy it most of the time to be fair. Aslong as you are happy with your days takings then your doing okay.

Wow - I just dont think I can get close to these figures. I am just starting out so my custys are spread about and I am just begining to start compacting things now where I can, but as I biuld now I can put the custys together better going forward. I manage about 8 a day, but thats with getting to each custy and packing away etc. 9-4. If I had 8 custys in a few mile radius, I think I could get to 10-12 a day, but anything over that I feel I would be rushing and I want quality of work also. I have picked up 5 custys due to the cleaner not doing great job using WFP, thats the truth, so are these guys rushing for £££ and not providing a great job. I think I will look for balance of quality and amount. I feel I can get 12-14 max done if I have a round where I have them all close together. I be happy at that and not rushe doff my feet and time to do a good job.

I can not do 10 hours, I work in the uk and dont get enough light yet, thats like 8-6, ok maybe the summer and as for doing 20 a day thats good going and if its done well too, fair play to the guys that do that. You must have the houses all close and work like the clappers. I think I am going to work on my speed and not be so fussy too. I will have to wait till I can get more custys until I can make my round tighter in terms of travel between jobs, but reading this I feel I can do more a day than I thought. Great:)

Good luck Scottie trust me you will be surprised when you get more customers on board a specially if there close together how many you can do In a day. I work with speed yes but not to the point it looks rushed as you will loose custom that way still do a good job and very rare have I ever had any complaints I work 9 til half 5 at the min due to daylight hours in the uk and do it all on my own I have one day where I can earn £285 and be finished by 4pm due to having the pick of a new estate where all the jobs are next to each other

in summer i wrk 7am till 6pm lol im a propa grafter tho an am strugling to keep my wrk at 7 weeks on my own:rolleyes: not a bad thing i sapose but i still keep taking on wrk:hehehe: ill never lurn:rofl:

in summer i wrk 7am till 6pm lol im a propa grafter tho an am strugling to keep my wrk at 7 weeks on my own:rolleyes: not a bad thing i sapose but i still keep taking on wrk:hehehe: ill never lurn:rofl:
propa grafter as on the picture;)

Wow - I just dont think I can get close to these figures. I am just starting out so my custys are spread about and I am just begining to start compacting things now where I can, but as I biuld now I can put the custys together better going forward. I manage about 8 a day, but thats with getting to each custy and packing away etc. 9-4. If I had 8 custys in a few mile radius, I think I could get to 10-12 a day, but anything over that I feel I would be rushing and I want quality of work also. I have picked up 5 custys due to the cleaner not doing great job using WFP, thats the truth, so are these guys rushing for £££ and not providing a great job. I think I will look for balance of quality and amount. I feel I can get 12-14 max done if I have a round where I have them all close together. I be happy at that and not rushe doff my feet and time to do a good job.
I can not do 10 hours, I work in the uk and dont get enough light yet, thats like 8-6, ok maybe the summer and as for doing 20 a day thats good going and if its done well too, fair play to the guys that do that. You must have the houses all close and work like the clappers. I think I am going to work on my speed and not be so fussy too. I will have to wait till I can get more custys until I can make my round tighter in terms of travel between jobs, but reading this I feel I can do more a day than I thought. Great:)
looks I am slow as well and few window custys that I have are spread out but I am nowhere close with earnings, wfp is much quicker and I do only trad for now

I usually do 7 hour day. My hours i give myself are roughly 9am till 4pm ... ish.I look for about £180 - 200 per day.

Some days are better or worse than others. Depends on how easy / enjoyable those particular houses are and how im feeling. I do enjoy it most of the time to be fair. Aslong as you are happy with your days takings then your doing okay.
Hi Vinny, cheers mate. Yes I have seen this now, where I can get say three customers within 400 yards of each other and I done them in 1 hour and 30 mins. 1st cleans and they were crappy, so I see what you all mean now on maintenance cleans, those three will be much easier next time and thus faster, yeah maybe I could do 11-12 a day easy and I would be happy with that, i am a little perfectionist, i need to be less that, but then it will keep me in the good books of customers. I think we all have our work balance and i would say 11-12 would be mine, id be happy with that. But then again i may do more some days all i face at present is first cleans lol, so not yet done a maintenance one, I can not wait, (no spider crap in corners) woop!

looks I am slow as well and few window custys that I have are spread out but I am nowhere close with earnings, wfp is much quicker and I do only trad for now
It's not always quicker but it is safer

I think after looking online here more, I might be able to get more in once round is compact more as of now I take jobs where ever as building. But yes the maintenance cleans will be much faster, these first cleans have been so filthy all of them /emoticons/sad.png so yeah I would take 10 minutes less each house i reckon on next clean, extra hour or so a day, could get 12-14 done then, time will tell. Still learning. One thing is WFP is an awsomw clean, I am chuffed all my feed back is amazing, people whom did not no what it was were leaving me messages saying "windows are stunning" thank you. Really enjoy the WFP cleaning. Still trad some bottoms as I like to develope my skills as geting better on the trading, feel like a proper windy also then lol.

Daveyboy1 - Hey hope your well mate. All your tips and advice is paying off, i stuck in there and doing well I feel, took the advice on board form some people on here and its doing me good. So thank you to you and the other, they no whom they are.

It's not always quicker but it is safer

yeh believe me daveyboy...it aint that safe...you be looking up in the sky and not down on the ground...hmmm now what can I fall over next?

and dont mention that foo kin hose.....

congrats scottie...keep going and keep us informed...

yep monopoly is like the windows.....all together and its a winner...

I have just taken on a new one..she ..er ..very ..er....nice...but...its a loss leader..but...its in the area....walking distance...well its a loss leader for me as she works from home and you canna get around the back without her opening the side up so no quick get away......still...did I mention...shes very nice...and no hubby..hmmmm

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I only did about 140 today but was up half of last night with the trots and throwing up

Still feeling ropey now and can't handle more than a few mouthfulls of dinner without half hour to recover

I love this job but no fun when feeling faint and shivering all day

Should have been around 180 so lost 40 quid by not being able to rush

I needed your man pants today smurf

Did £165 today so £15 off my target , I did get held up because I broke a gutter and had to fix it with new brackets /emoticons/sad.png

Collected £120 cash this month where as last month on the same round I collected £7 lol
