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ahh you got it wrong...if you break somat you just say frank done it .
When I broke it I cleaned the mess up then just shoved it up out the way lol,then I noticed the old bat watching me from behind the netting so had to own up lol

I havent got the custies but reckon 10 a day at the moment, im so inefficent tho with this trolley system, a bug fat ball ache of a ******* device, **** trolleys

I havent got the custies but reckon 10 a day at the moment, im so inefficent tho with this trolley system, a bug fat ball ache of a ******* device, **** trolleys
No what your feeling m8,been there done that ,could you buy a hose reel and leave the trolley in the car ? Or buy a pump and battery pack there £130 on eBay and will make your life so much easier m8

I think the amount of properties you can do in a day is irelavent. As long as you can price them well and pick and choose what work you take on then there is no need to be working a silly amount of hours in a day.

Underpricing jobs = More work and longer hours to earn the same amount in my book

That's true smuf but the beauty is the longer your going and more established you get you can charge proper prices without the fear of I hope I get this job as you would already have a nice size round and don't matter if you get the job or nor do price well like myself

i did 14 houses near each other on tuesday in three hours including mine that the other half wouldn't pay for :eek::eek: they were all £5.50 three upstairs wfp and 4 downstairs including doors trad unless a bit high to reach then wfp , Never done much yapping /emoticons/wink.png;) i was happy with that /emoticons/biggrin.png:D

When I set up a year ago I had the goal of earning £600 per week, or £120 per day. To begin with I was earning hardly anything. Having built up my customer base I can easily earn this in a day. Most I've done in a day is like £140, sometimes more if I've had the odd bit of guttering. I don't always make this much, but that's due to not having enough customers. As for amount of jobs, it's varies widly. Sometimes I might have a few £20ers and a £50er so 4or 5 jobs, other days it might be lots of 10, 12 and £15ers so 10 jobs. I tend to work 9-5 (roughly) and aim for an hourly rate, including travelling between jobs, of at least £15 per hour. I've only been going a year so my jobs are dotted around compared to some of the more established guys. If I could get jobs closer together then I'd be laughing and could earn a hell of a lot more! As the weTher picks up and the days get longer I plan to canvass around areas I already cover and make u rounds more compact.

When I set up a year ago I had the goal of earning £600 per week, or £120 per day. To begin with I was earning hardly anything. Having built up my customer base I can easily earn this in a day. Most I've done in a day is like £140, sometimes more if I've had the odd bit of guttering. I don't always make this much, but that's due to not having enough customers. As for amount of jobs, it's varies widly. Sometimes I might have a few £20ers and a £50er so 4or 5 jobs, other days it might be lots of 10, 12 and £15ers so 10 jobs. I tend to work 9-5 (roughly) and aim for an hourly rate, including travelling between jobs, of at least £15 per hour. I've only been going a year so my jobs are dotted around compared to some of the more established guys. If I could get jobs closer together then I'd be laughing and could earn a hell of a lot more! As the weTher picks up and the days get longer I plan to canvass around areas I already cover and make u rounds more compact.
Yeah, same here, I just take the bookings where they come as just starting out, kicked off properly after the new year. I have picked up a few jobs now when customers have said the previous window cleaner is here like 10 minutes and does not get a great clean at all. I really feel you have to get the balance right, I just am gobsmaked people can do so many in a dayover 20 houses a day, for me I could not do I am to fussy lol. I like to make each job the best it can be and NEVER have any complaints or anyone not wish to reccommed me, I practice it in my cleaning and my approach and likeability to th customer. I think I would be happy with 12-14 a day that would do me, I think I can do that an do them well and feel confident my customers rate me highly.

I have to say its really tuff starting out Brian, your bookings are spread out, but I am starting to get some where they are close and I am able to move people to suit myself a bit now and in one street yes I can do three houses within 1 hour 15 minutes and get £30.00. I am happy with that and as the round expands that will be a good ratio, of course there will be car travel time etc but deffo looking at £20 an hour.

I have been watching when I am out trad guys clean and they all seem to take 20 mins on a house and then pack up putting those ladders on the car and screwing down, pain in tha ass it seems then drive two roads and do the same again unloading those ladders etc, so I assume they do two house max three an hour. I just find 4 an hour amazing! 15 minutes unpacking and cleaning and loading back and getting to the next house even if its few houses up and doing it again. WOW!

As people on here say and I listen very close to the advice on here and follow it and I put my pricing up before i actually got going, I have £8 as my bottom price now for a 2 bed small house 6 windows easy to do, no time at all, I can not justify charging them more really. but majority are £10 and 12 pounds with some 15 and 17 pounders. I am batteling guys whom are charging £5 and £6 pounds and I am charging £10 and £12 but I am getting them as they are doing crap jobs of it.

Nice one scottie

I can do an average 3 bed in under 15 minutes but have nearly quarter of a century of practice and i am fussy which is why i get recommendations

Nice one scottieI can do an average 3 bed in under 15 minutes but have nearly quarter of a century of practice and i am fussy which is why i get recommendations
Thats good, I had my eyes set at 10 a day, but maybe this could be from my outlook on what I am doing, jobs scattered about as building the round. So yes when I get more custys and can compact them better I might have to re evaluate the amount I could do, I think reading this thread that I could do a few more than I think, which is really good to no, more money:) lol.

Most you will find are willing to pay more knowing they will get a decent job done. This is also down to how you sell your services to justify the price as well. The ppl that still don't want to pay much I leave them for someone else to do. That’s why I think it’s important to pick & choose what work you take on as doing cheap jobs you will soon get peed of doing them knowing there are ppl out there that will pay more for the same job.

I have had a massive success this week canvassing a 2bed semi mainly private-rental estate. They don't seem to have a window cleaner anywhere and I can't help feeling there must be a reason? Is it because people move house all the time and drop off or is it because the houses are cheaper and thus not as good earners? For reference I'm charging £7 for these (I charge £1 window, £2 for patio doors and chuck the front door in for free), and my average price is £10 per house at the mo so seems correctly priced - I cant see these houses taking more than 10 minutes to do or have I shot myself in the foot?

Nice one...:thumbsup:

if you are happy with the price then that's all what matters /emoticons/wink.png

glad to see you back on here scottie as I was going to ask how you were getting on..

I dont think so much about time or money much...I just class it all as time away from my chair and as such work it all blurs in together.

I am very jammy most of the time as they seem to ring up when I am in the same area very convenient for me...

customers do sometimes think about the time factor so there are little tricks ..

All the boring little things I have to do to set up....I will do after I get on the custys property...and as such ...they think I am working when in fact...I am writing stuff down answering texts sortin out ma kit and most important of all...switching on my bluetooth and setting up my headphones...etc..

I could do all these jobs in the car before I start but....if the custy likes to think about the time taken well as long as they are happy.

On friday I planned to use my wfp on an old job to speed up....but it all went wrong...the wife was home she normally isnt..and he didnt go off to his computer like he normally does but sat in the main room reading his book....but I wanted to sneakily play with my new method...so i just did all the windows around him and traded the one he was in...and included in the time to get my trolley out and in again and tie my ladders back on...

ME still likes no one in...pay online...saves my time.../emoticons/biggrin.png

ta sp I know how to waffle..../emoticons/biggrin.png

suppose I do blog but its just spread all over the posts..

although....there is not much windowcleaning action at the weekend...in fact ...theres not much action of any sort...only eating and reaching for the remote control....

I am having a good run with the mrs...so...I will enjoy it while it lasts..

I love reading what you write @cheapncheerful , you should consider writing a window cleaners blog. I would read it and I'm sure others would too.
Yeah I agree, it would be great! I am still here CNC, just been planning and working hard on getting my business going well.

In refernce to above, I only price 2 bed houses with small amount of windows at £8 now and all others at £10 and £12, some £14 and some £15. I seem to be lucky as I am getting lots of 4 weekly at £10 and £12 which I am happy with.

As smurf says, its all about selling your service. I tend to get them by saying I price fair and offer the best service i can, I clean All frames and sills each visit and make the whole window look great and I am always on time, I rota my days and give time slots and plan my routes and I know I will be there on time as I have a litle window of time. I offer a text the day before and when they read or receive this all in one they seem very happy and pay more thna previous dodgy window cleaner, so people will pay for a good service, plus when I go I make dam sure I do it well and leave it like I would want it done at home. Come across genuine and as if your happy to work, they like it and its good to no they like your work, so the recommendations start and you can stick to your decent price.

I think I have been basing my time on 1st cleans and an u compact round, I look forward to seeing how it is when I am busy and have a compact round and not 1st cleans, maybe as people say in this thread you can get over 12-14 houses a day done. I have a select bunch of people on here whom I listen to and take notes, its stood me in good form so far and used it as a platform to build on my own ideas, so I would price what you feel and happy with but always try for that bit more at first as you can lower it if they say no,within reason to your plan.

in summer i wrk 7am till 6pm lol im a propa grafter tho an am strugling to keep my wrk at 7 weeks on my own:rolleyes: not a bad thing i sapose but i still keep taking on wrk:hehehe: ill never lurn:rofl:

Tench your profile picture must have beem taken in the summer about ten past six
