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Why oh why would you not just WFP the whole lot @cheapncheerful ?

If you think they didn't realise that you WFP everything except the room their sitting in then your wrong. A quick trip to the loo and he will see that all the other windows are wet. Plus the sound of brush and water on the glass is louder than you think when your sitting inside.

Just go for it mate. Unless water is an issue and you can't carry enough of it?

if you are fit id think you should be able to rake in 150 each day and sustain it . 200+ you will risk burn out and /or shoulder disclocation and be no good to man or butter .

and oh what lovely butter

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Why oh why would you not just WFP the whole lot @cheapncheerful ?
If you think they didn't realise that you WFP everything except the room their sitting in then your wrong. A quick trip to the loo and he will see that all the other windows are wet. Plus the sound of brush and water on the glass is louder than you think when your sitting inside.

Just go for it mate. Unless water is an issue and you can't carry enough of it?

hi your right jonathan, its just I am breaking them all in slowly..

and at the mo carrying enough water is an issue and making it too but...as smurfy has said...that will change with time..

one of the big things about wfp is its a lot faster and if you suddenly take so long and then half that time people get suspicious and so its a gradual change....

dont worry...it really pe ed me off having to trad some of em..

especially as they havent been done for poss 4 or 5 months...they still had the little black bits on the sills from a hail storm we had..

also and this is a big point.....we have as you know two types of glass....the house glass was the :turd: type the conny was the good type the conny will always be cleaned wfp from now on...

I have read the posts on fan jets.....and maybe one day will get around to trying it but for now I DO still like to trad.

for me it does depend so much on the glass type ..some houses have no visible rubber seals and great glass and they are wfp full time.

Also, it does depend on the price of the job...old jobs which are stuck in the past price wise I am still keeping at the mo as I havent got the work I need, as they become what I call :turd: work I have a tendency to think fook it they will be wfp now as that is the only way i can make them pay.

one disadvantage of wfp is the water left behind which I keep to a minimum but its not that easy...and yep you can sure see where a wfp er had been.

and yep I have probs been caught out with the brush on the glass sound too....one her husband was ill in bed....but I still check em when I clean the sills as I dont do that with the brush much as you have to faff and alter the head angle..:rolleyes:

me loves the wet days for that reason...

So far I havent to my knowledge lost any for using wfp....in fact...some have welcomed it...

It does of course depend if some of the many, quick wipe and its done merchants have got in first and ruined the wfp method in the custys mind...once its tainted it takes ages to win back the trust of the custy.

in fact my neighbour over the road is one of said tainted custys, but so far...she doesnt know about my new method as I only do it when she is out...

she asked me to clean the gutters just after the wfper had been...and he should have gone to specsavers as he left bird poop just above the sill...obviously didnt stand far enough back to completely see the window..

another custy who had wfp said you have left bird poop to the guy who came for the money and he just said oh I will get it next time....thats not really good enough I am afraid..

one things for certain...me loves doing all the bathroom windows with wfp....as to climb up and trad them when they hardly show any dirt was very time consuming..

It is not as simple as people think wfp and it is a skill I am still learning and will be learning for a long while yet...

I remain an apprentice for a long time yet..../emoticons/biggrin.png

great post scottie glad to hear you are doing well....and I be learning from you!

one thing I own up to being bad at is the planning....I hit the road and guess who is half way down the wrong road before he realises it...grrrrr...almost everyday:rolleyes:

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The most I have done in a day was £400 when I worked for someone else, on minimum wage. It was a 12 hour working day tho. I now work for my self and on an 8 hour day I average around £180 doing between 15 and 25 jobs a day (all residential)

I'm lazy and aim for £100-£150 for a day on the glass, but I only work from 10ish til about 3 maybe 4.

9:30-11:45 £55 Windows and Dormas

11:45-12:30 £16

12:30-1:15 £12

1:15-2:00 £14

2:00-2:30 £12

The day before was 9 closer together for £90.

Always work in school time and pick up at 3, averaging £100 for 5 hours. I don't rush around either, roll here, drink there etc..... but I'm new and slow and they're mostly 1st cleans at the mo so will definitely aim at £130 - £150'ish in 5 hours when I get better/faster.

My biggest problem is getting away from the chatters without being rude !!
