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Call yourself a window cleaner?


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You forgot me pressure washing skills @daveyboy1 as I can blast the fook out of anything too:D

I was trad for 7 years before buying a wfp system, still use trad for probably 40% of my round at least. It's still the best way to clean some of my houses.

I can't imagine not being able to use a squeegee, it seems wrong when a window cleaner can't use one !

I think like any trade you should be able to use the most suited methods & tools for the job in hand

I think you turn up and you know what to do and how to do it and have the tools to do it...and thats a professional../emoticons/biggrin.png

it does make you think this post....an awful lot of being a professional is acquired knowledge...ie experience that comes with age....so I dont need to say who is the most professional on here....:rolleyes:

i think if you have the tools you should be able to use them.. and not leave any job done badly i do a few houses and offices inside with trad kit and some people have leaky doors and do the with it

remember its not the tools that make you pro its the finish you leave behind

How about.. Professional semi automated hybridised external aquaclean domestic solution specialists incorporating H2O technology ;-)
You need a 'z' in Hybridized, otherwise its not cool man :laugh:

I recommend hybridization :hehehe:

Me personally I don't care weather it's professional or not. I earn a decent living from it & with over 400 customers I must be doing somet right.

And long live the wfp cleaners that can't trad as it means I pick up more work off them coz they can't pole properly & won't do insides. As a lot of my custies put it. He turns up, splashes a bit of water on & goes. Defiantly not a pro. Mind you I also know some very good stick waggle ts whose work I've seen close up & there good. That's a pro. Do the job right whatever way & if your custies are happy yer a pro. Also before wfp window cleaning was always off a ladder. Lots on here that won't climb one. Does that mean yer not a pro?????

I do both, Stick waggling and squeegee waggling, only thing I'm rubbish at in my eyes is using a squeegee on a pole at height, thats when the wfp comes out. , its all good, use the right tool for the job. WFP is Reach and Wash, if you cant reach it, wash it with a water broom. I use WFP on a bungalow window, as its high and has a flower bed in front of it, custy is happy with result. I enjoy using a squeegee, especially my modified squeegees, as it feels more skilled, but I love my WFP for top windows, safer and quicker.

And yes I call myself a window cleaner, I do wish it had a more elevated view in the public eye, but thats lifeo_O

Well I will be doing a job trad on friday shop window inside n out. Got myself a wilko squeegee and practicing on shower glass.

I also love it when you see some ppls brain ticking over as you know they are working out an hourly rate in their head. /emoticons/biggrin.png

I got a set for 8 quid lol. Tried it and it seems to work ok doesnt leave and streaks but ive nowt to compare it to.

If it turns out crap on shop window ill just leg it

just a prediction adamangler mate

it will be sh@t on any window

I can see the future very clearly on this one

Just get yourself some decent trad gear and practise a lot or you will make yourself look a right frank and have to do a runner as @cheapncheerful knows too well:D

I got a set for 8 quid lol. Tried it and it seems to work ok doesnt leave and streaks but ive nowt to compare it to.
If it turns out **** on shop window ill just leg it
I know mate im gonna order some. Wasnt planning on doing any trad but got an enquiry and its right on my doorstep.

Shower door looks alreet.

Ill leg it if need be or get wfp out and winowlene ha
