Yes, I class myself as a pro window cleaner and I not been doing it very long. I would class anyone a pro, whom meets a good elvel of cleaning and conducts his/hers business in a professional manner and delivers what he/she says. I have a full website, flyers, bsuiness cards, vehicle and I use a water fed pole system and have spent a lot of time listening to tips and learnign how to use it and also working the theroy of it out and how the pole works best cleaning, its all common sense, you dont just shakle a broom at a window, i find that a silly assumption people make, if you do not do it right its a crap job, but I started very briefly on ladders and moved to WFP as in MY mind its a far better clean and deeper clean flushing out all the dirt from the frames and behind and cleanign the air vents out so they donet drip crap off when it rains, so the windows do not get as dirty in between cleans. Its a fantastic system and in my opinion its liek moving from Tapes to CD. I also to save on pure ater clean my bungalows with the old fashion way and have got my skills up to a good level now as practiced like hell and can adapt to that if needed. But at the end of the day whom says you have to be a proper window cleaner if you do it the old way, I feel the newer way is far better and if someone goes down that route they do not need to touch a applicator etc...why do they need to prove it? to whom? when the windows they clean are perfect? Just use what you need to and if it works for you then thats all good.
I had a guy come up to me a few weeks ago and said that not window cleaning (another cleaner) WFT? If it does a great job who cares, why was he so bothered anyway? I dont get this anti WFP thing, I feel for that when i first started but looked into it and its great, looks better using it and has a a better theroy behind it. GO WFP!!!
I had a guy come up to me a few weeks ago and said that not window cleaning (another cleaner) WFT? If it does a great job who cares, why was he so bothered anyway? I dont get this anti WFP thing, I feel for that when i first started but looked into it and its great, looks better using it and has a a better theroy behind it. GO WFP!!!