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Double DI


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Well-known member
Mid Wales
Been using double di with 11 litre vessels for a long time now. Works fine but it’s always good to try and make anything work related that bit more efficient.
My question is if I change to 2 x 25 litre vessels would that mean I would be changing the resin less often?
I appreciate it sounds obvious and writing it down has made it sound even more obvious to be honest but I was just wondering if anybody has in fact changed from 11 to 25 litre vessels? Appreciate that the 25 litre vessels are bigger and will take up more room but I’m in a Transit Custom so have plenty of space. I think I’ve convinced myself to go for it but just wanted to post it to see if there was anything I hadn’t considered before I spend the money.
Thanks in advance
Been using double di with 11 litre vessels for a long time now. Works fine but it’s always good to try and make anything work related that bit more efficient.
My question is if I change to 2 x 25 litre vessels would that mean I would be changing the resin less often?
I appreciate it sounds obvious and writing it down has made it sound even more obvious to be honest but I was just wondering if anybody has in fact changed from 11 to 25 litre vessels? Appreciate that the 25 litre vessels are bigger and will take up more room but I’m in a Transit Custom so have plenty of space. I think I’ve convinced myself to go for it but just wanted to post it to see if there was anything I hadn’t considered before I spend the money.
Thanks in advance
Depends on your water quality TDS and obviously the more resin you have in use the less changes you should encounter

There's nothing stopping you using a 3rd DI
One to take the big hit the 2nd & 3rd to polish the water and when the DI goes high replace the 2nd to the 1st and refill the 3rd which would be the old 1st 😉
Been using double di with 11 litre vessels for a long time now. Works fine but it’s always good to try and make anything work related that bit more efficient.
My question is if I change to 2 x 25 litre vessels would that mean I would be changing the resin less often?
I appreciate it sounds obvious and writing it down has made it sound even more obvious to be honest but I was just wondering if anybody has in fact changed from 11 to 25 litre vessels? Appreciate that the 25 litre vessels are bigger and will take up more room but I’m in a Transit Custom so have plenty of space. I think I’ve convinced myself to go for it but just wanted to post it to see if there was anything I hadn’t considered before I spend the money.
Thanks in advance

I've been using 25L DI vessels for years....of course you ll be changing your resin less often(unless your tap tds goes up)...

I currently change my resin every 5 months,soon to be every 4 or 5 weeks when I move in with the missus as her tap tds is 127(mine is 024)
Cheers for that. My tap tds is around 70 and I’m changing the resin every 3 weeks. So my idea was to use 25l vessels and change every 6 weeks. Just a small difference but every little helps.
At what tds is your 2nd vessel coming in at before you change it?
Cheers for that. My tap tds is around 70 and I’m changing the resin every 3 weeks. So my idea was to use 25l vessels and change every 6 weeks. Just a small difference but every little helps.
At what tds is your 2nd vessel coming in at before you change it?
70ppm is a little on the limits in my opinion and the crossover to RO/DI

My tds is approximately 54ppm and I'll run up to 15ppm before a change and use every bit I can.

Never encountered issues with that level and unless you're a millionaire there's no real requirement to change at 1ppm
15 sounds high mate but I assume you know what you’re doing! It’s always a contentious issue as to how high people will let their tds go. I’m normally around 5-6 to be honest before I change but maybe I could let it get higher?
No doubt there will be some who come along and say NO it has to be 0!
I use to have double 11l DI & then switched to a single 25l with my new system. Honestly wished I hadn’t. Nothing wrong with the 25l and it’s true it lasts longer between changes, but man those changes are annoying 😅 It’s so large and cumbersome, it takes two of us to do it with any sort of speed. While as the smaller ones I could chuck about myself. So yeah, stick to 2 would be my call. Or get a third 11l like @AW Services suggested. Even go 4. Or 5. Or 6! Or……
I use to have double 11l DI & then switched to a single 25l with my new system. Honestly wished I hadn’t. Nothing wrong with the 25l and it’s true it lasts longer between changes, but man those changes are annoying 😅 It’s so large and cumbersome, it takes two of us to do it with any sort of speed. While as the smaller ones I could chuck about myself. So yeah, stick to 2 would be my call. Or get a third 11l like @AW Services suggested. Even go 4. Or 5. Or 6! Or……
Thanks for that. It had occurred that the 25l could be a bit more hassle to change so definitely got that to bear in mind

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