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Elbow joint problems anyone??


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Clearview Lee

Well-known member
Northwest London
Anyone had tennis elbow thru the use of the poles?

I’ve had it for about a month now. I literally booked a week off and went and sat by a pool in Spain last week, but resting it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference. Gutted. Can I have my money back?! Lol  

I’m back at work as of today, and struggling thru my days. 

Anyone else had it? How long did it last etc etc?? My Doc can’t see me until another blinking week!!

Yeah I've got it in my right elbow and now the left one is beginning to hurt.  My lower right back constantly hurts as well.  I've only been going since January, think I'll be crippled come Christmas  :1f632:

Go the gym and do light weight training to condition your joints. Bench press, shoulder press, dead lifts all with light weights and do ten minutes stretching prior to starting the day.

Are you using a Gardiners Extreme pole? Might be worth investing in one if you're not to save your joints..

Yes, I had it for a while it developed overtime lifting my reel in and out of my truck, I bought one of these Elbow Support and it did the job and I've never had any trouble since, just dodgy shoulders and back 
I’ve just bought that same support. Just stuck it on! Dunno how that little strap supports the elbow, but here goes.....??

Go the gym and do light weight training to condition your joints. Bench press, shoulder press, dead lifts all with light weights and do ten minutes stretching prior to starting the day.

Are you using a Gardiners Extreme pole? Might be worth investing in one if you're not to save your joints..
Is Gardeners Extreme extra light weight then? I’ve always used Facelift and pretty happy, but open to trying other stuff if it helps us more

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I had tennis elbow a couple of years back.

Extreme poles and electric reel will help.

Also learn to WFP both left & right handed.

Anyone had tennis elbow thru the use of the poles?

I’ve had it for about a month now. I literally booked a week off and went and sat by a pool in Spain last week, but resting it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference. Gutted. Can I have my money back?! Lol  

I’m back at work as of today, and struggling thru my days. 

Anyone else had it? How long did it last etc etc?? My Doc can’t see me until another blinking week!!

I suffered tennis elbow due to being a panel beater at a garage for 16 years , the doctor was giving me quartizone and anaesthetic injections in the elbow muscles every 6 weeks it did ease it but not a cure . I do find that I get it occasionally using wfp usually on high work with heavy poles , but on normal domestic it’s not to bad , don’t want to be negative but I think once you have it what ever causes it will always affect it , if I use a hammer now some 25 years later it will set it off straight away , as has been said use the lightest shortest poles for what you are doing , hope it improves    

From my gut feelings, which are usually not too far out, I'd say. If you can, try and get lower work and lighter kit, if you can. Also technique is very important. If you can reduce the flexing and extending of your elbows to some degree by holding with your arms and rocking backwards and forwards with your torso and legs, it might help share the load and the wear and tear . I'd try to avoid flailing arms too much if it's not necessary, for a while, a mistake I see all the time with new kayakers and sometimes with fellow "pole dancers" ?. Try to work in a stable, back and forwards rocking motion at least some of the time to share the load and movement with the rest of your body which is stronger and more robust. Not always possible when reaching sideways over conservatories and the like, I know. 

Best of luck. I only ever had it once for a short while years ago from playing badminton for hours at a time outside in a heatwave (1976). I use the term playing it, very loosely, I was ****. ?

Good luck bud. 

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I’ve just bought that same support. Just stuck it on! Dunno how that little strap supports the elbow, but here goes.....??

Is Gardeners Extreme extra light weight then? I’ve always used Facelift and pretty happy, but open to trying other stuff if it helps us more
Tennis elbow is to do with the muscle and tendons, the strap has a lump in it and it presses down on your forearm, definitely worked for me and I have used mine since last year, I have used an Xtreme-22 for almost 4 years now and I couldn't use anything else, even a SLX-22 feels twice as heavy to me. 

Tennis elbow is to do with the muscle and tendons, the strap has a lump in it and it presses down on your forearm, definitely worked for me and I have used mine since last year, I have used an Xtreme-22 for almost 4 years now and I couldn't use anything else, even a SLX-22 feels twice as heavy to me. 
Thanks man ??

From my gut feelings, which are usually not too far out, I'd say. If you can, try and get lower work and lighter kit, if you can. Also technique is very important. If you can reduce the flexing and extending of your elbows to some degree by holding with your arms and rocking backwards and forwards with your torso and legs, it might help share the load and the wear and tear . I'd try to avoid flailing arms too much if it's not necessary, for a while, a mistake I see all the time with new kayakers and sometimes with fellow "pole dancers" ?. Try to work in a stable, back and forwards rocking motion at least some of the time to share the load and movement with the rest of your body which is stronger and more robust. Not always possible when reaching sideways over conservatories and the like, I know. 

Best of luck. I only ever had it once for a short while years ago from playing badminton for hours at a time outside in a heatwave (1976). I use the term playing it, very loosely, I was ****. ?

Good luck bud. 
A heartfelt thank you my friend ?? Very informative ??

Have had tennis elbow for a few months the steroid injection didn't work, I use extreme poles and brushes also electric reels they help a lot ?

The thing to watch is if the pain spreads to both elbows then elsewhere.

I started with what i thought was tennis elbow and suffered recurrences of it and the jokes from mates about too many hours spent how shall I say self satisfying myself?

I am mostly Trad but after a while the pain started spreading to other joints basically from my neck down to my toes.

I was literally crawling out of bed on my hands and knees in the mornings and could only work a couple of hours tops before going home .

After many a doctor's visit and a hell of a long time wasted on painkillers i was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and put on a Dmard pill which worked wonders and got me back to work pain free.

I suffered a slipped disc a while back which i put down to the early Aluminium poles i was using at the time and trying to reach windows at silly angles and the Doc thinks the trauma from that upset my blood cells which then led to the Arthritis.

Arthritis an old womans disease they say and here was me trying to clean windows with one arm without extending it then going home for a lie down because i was knackered.

Fighting fit these days.

Well as much as can be expected from someone in his salad years who hates salad.

Look after yourself.

Thanks man ??
Meant to say I haven't used mine since last year, I wore it for maybe a few weeks and all has been good since, my shoulder starting aching everyday so I made the switch to an electric reel a few weeks ago one of the best things I did, I am 44 years old and plan of beating @spruce record of working till 70 years old although I was talking to another cleaner I know who is 71 and he told me someone he know has just switched to wfp at 74 years old. 

Did you get the tennis elbow using the Xtreme poles & electric reel?
I have arthritis knees, hands, shoulder so bought the electric reel and extreme 18 but was using the slx 25 for windows above large extensions etc think that's what started the tennis elbow I now use a extreme 25 for these odd few houses. 

Meant to say I haven't used mine since last year, I wore it for maybe a few weeks and all has been good since, my shoulder starting aching everyday so I made the switch to an electric reel a few weeks ago one of the best things I did, I am 44 years old and plan of beating @spruce record of working till 70 years old although I was talking to another cleaner I know who is 71 and he told me someone he know has just switched to wfp at 74 years old. 
Excellent stuff. Electronic reel is on the agenda!  Does that meant another battery to charge or can it be run off the same battery??

Excellent stuff. Electronic reel is on the agenda!  Does that meant another battery to charge or can it be run off the same battery??
You will need a good sized battery though, if not all ready I have this one NUMAX XV31MF SEALED LEISURE BATTERY 12V 105AH it is both a Deep-cycle & Starting battery which @spruce advised to be the best type of battery for use with an electric reel and you will need to charge your battery every night as it will deplete by around 50% every day.


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