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Hobbies what do we do on a day off


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Yeh I like to get out into the countryside sometimes, away from the madness. Try and get a clear head and work out whats best. Other times like to wonder round town centres, have a look around/window shop, not so much now, well, not ipswich anyway. Gone right downhill over the past ten or so years, just junk pound shops and foreign cafes, bookies and vape shops, kebab shops and foreign barbers. The ladies tend to not wonder there much now either, so just gone downhill. Like historical places like old castles, and of course, the odd pub trips
Yeh I like to get out into the countryside sometimes, away from the madness. Try and get a clear head and work out whats best. Other times like to wonder found town centres, have al ook around/window shop, not so much now, well, not ipswich anyway. Gone right downhill over the past ten or so years, just junk pound shops and foreign cafes, bookies and vape shops, kebab shops and foreign barbers. The ladies tend to not wonder there much now either, so just gone downhill. Like historical places like old castles, and of course, the odd pub trips
We live semi-rural so we are fortunate, but I do like to have a day out with our dog and do higher ascents up onto the moors and fells without the wife who can't do the inclines, I couldn't do with walking around shops at all they invented the internet for online shopping 😅

I was going to do a pub stop and have something to eat but my wife was a bit miffed because she had to work and me and our dog were off out, so we smashed out 10 miles pretty sharpish as it was 2hr round trip driving but it gave my van a decent run-out,

I do like castles etc, but not all dog friendly It is still nice to visit we like visiting abbey ruins and the like as you can really feel a sense of calm and presence around those places, might do a castle visit next Friday or a least look at it from a distance
With 2 kids primary school age, free time is a bit absent (unless I don't book work in on a school day) but if I do get chance for some downtime walking is good (take it in turns with the missus to walk the dog but usually end up with the small walk of the day - mile or 2). Got an abundance of castles here in south Wales so love those. Or I pick up a book or watch films. I used to run a bit but it set my arthritis off so have had to knock that on the head sadly.