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How late do you work?


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Lost my employee a couple of months ago. 

Been doing it all myself while I look for a decent guy.

Started 8am this morning and did my last job just after 8pm.

Anyone else work stupid hours or do I need my head checking?

Got a big glass of scotch on the go to unwind now.

Only ice and whisky but much needed.

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How do you go about advertising the job?

word of mouth? Ad online somewhere? 
then how do you interview them etc?

Hope you find the right person soon

Basically I've never had a pension my whole life doing this since I left school.in 1991.

I am expanding the business so i can retire at some point and have the business run itself.

I already have a guy who does my pressure washing for me for a markup on his quote and likewise for gutters etc as that interferes with my windows.

I also work with a property management company who is actually my best mate so do stuff for him (softwash mainly) and will have a dedicated pressure washing/softwashing van on the road next spring and already have the guy lined up ready to start. 

He already does work for my mate.
Right, so you're on the path to expand and put money aside. 

Sounds like you're doing great... Just need to find a man to work on the windows with you ?

Lost my employee a couple of months ago. 

Been doing it all myself while I look for a decent guy.

Started 8am this morning and did my last job just after 8pm.

Anyone else work stupid hours or do I need my head checking?

Got a big glass of scotch on the go to unwind now.

Only ice and whisky but much needed.

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You have a plan mate, that's the thing, I could say you need your head checking but we are all different and will all come good for you moving forward. 

I have neither the drive or desire to want to work stupid hours, as it results in stress and me been a miserable git at home, I am living for today not tomorrow and won't work my fingers to bone as I can't be arsed. 

830 to 3 and pick the kids up from school. To be fair I’ve had enough by 3 anyway. 
It’s all about getting the balance right. I’m a grumpy sod when I’m tired. 

Lost my employee a couple of months ago. 

Been doing it all myself while I look for a decent guy.

Started 8am this morning and did my last job just after 8pm.

Anyone else work stupid hours or do I need my head checking?

Got a big glass of scotch on the go to unwind now.

Only ice and whisky but much needed.

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Yup get your head checked ?

But in all seriousness that's way to many hours on the mind and body I did that for a long time, and it took it toll on me.

Get things to a reasonable time frame as quickly as possible. 

If finding employee's is to difficult. Cut lose the low payers and keep top clients. 

Then If you do find an employee you already know how to build the round up so you'll be alright.  

Just some advice from a friend across the pond!?

Start 9 finish 3. Have a nap at lunchtime, usually woken up 15 minutes later by one of my customers! My plan is short days, and even shorter as I get older. So much to do out there, other than work for me, but understand that it's harder with a young family to support...

8am till 4pm every day, all year round. Sod working anything past that. Gives me enough time to crank out 20-30 houses and that suits me! Normally have my weeks worth of work done by Friday lunch time.

I tend to go out and quote on Friday afternoons and occasionally Saturdays, complete the jobs there and then. Luckily (or maybe unluckily) I am not bombarded with enquiries so this is quite doable for me.

Start 9 finish 3. Have a nap at lunchtime, usually woken up 15 minutes later by one of my customers! My plan is short days, and even shorter as I get older. So much to do out there, other than work for me, but understand that it's harder with a young family to support...
When I first started I worked with quite a few different cleaners and most of them had a nap at lunch time for half hour. I found it very strange..

I usually aim to get everything done in school hours 9-3. Though occasionally I have to go back out after picking up little un. I have a lunch break but only stop for as long as it takes to eat it. 

And here's me panicking whether I will manage to clean 9 houses tomorrow in time for the school run  :2_thumbs_up_-_animated:

I hate starting late. If it’s domestic 8.00-8.30 is the latest. Commercial if I can I start earlier. If I’m late I feel like I’m trying to catch up all day. 
I never stop for a break, unless it’s for a couple of minutes to finish a cup of tea provided by the customer. 
Once I stop I don’t want to start again. 
I even cut my sandwich’s up small ,so I can eat on the go .

I don’t like finishing early, as I end up falling asleep on the sofa, wasting time. So 4.30-5.00 is about right , when my children get home. 

I’d much rather get stuck in for 4 days and have Friday off, than ***** about with short days. 

Window cleaning their about 7.30-6 as its first cleans still in some cases and growing still.

But building work had 2 1/2days before i slept and even then that was at the job (smithy style from gavin and stacey), but that was in my early 20's.

Currently its 7 days a week with 1 day off since march but single guy so doesnt effect family life. But aim is not to do any manual work within a few years and hopefully no horrible office bits get it to run its self.

Window cleaning their about 7.30-6 as its first cleans still in some cases and growing still.

But building work had 2 1/2days before i slept and even then that was at the job (smithy style from gavin and stacey), but that was in my early 20's.

Currently its 7 days a week with 1 day off since march but single guy so doesnt effect family life. But aim is not to do any manual work within a few years and hopefully no horrible office bits get it to run its self.
you ll still have to work even with staff doing the actual cleaning for you mate.......the more staff you have the more problems you will get for sure....you cant just sit back and let your business run itself....thats not how it works mate......

Window cleaning their about 7.30-6 as its first cleans still in some cases and growing still.

But building work had 2 1/2days before i slept and even then that was at the job (smithy style from gavin and stacey), but that was in my early 20's.

Currently its 7 days a week with 1 day off since march but single guy so doesnt effect family life. But aim is not to do any manual work within a few years and hopefully no horrible office bits get it to run its self.
Sorry to shatter your dreams but if you're not on the coal face or running it the business will fail.

90% of your business is you and unless you're very lucky you won't find another you to cover for you.


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