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How late do you work?


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Window cleaning their about 7.30-6 as its first cleans still in some cases and growing still.

But building work had 2 1/2days before i slept and even then that was at the job (smithy style from gavin and stacey), but that was in my early 20's.

Currently its 7 days a week with 1 day off since march but single guy so doesnt effect family life. But aim is not to do any manual work within a few years and hopefully no horrible office bits get it to run its self.
Hahahhaha.  That's the funniest thing i have heard all month. ??

Funny that some people get systems in place so they dont need to check every minor detail. I know 4 companies without thinking where the owners dont need to check everything and not worried if they leave the business for a few checking in as they have systems in place.

People to do admin, manager to grow and oversee, coalface workers.

Problem with most businesses the owner makes themselves invaluable to the business. People can laugh all they like but lots of businesses are run with minimal owner interaction (perhaps not in this industry).

Window cleaning, gutters, repair to gutters, power washing is all about service and quality of service and managing customer expectations and unless you have quality staff you are going to need to be there to be seen by the customers who value you. Difficult to get good staff. I have been selling work on rather than having loads of staff. I have one lad who works two days a week a real grafter and not bad with the customers but he doesn't want to manage the business or do too much interaction with the customers. Having managed over 100 staff in the printing trade running a factory, its the staff and the customers that cause the issues not the job. Keeping it simple helps me to have a good work life balance.

I work 8.30 to 4.30 with a couple of smoke breaks and half an hour lunch. Honestly dont understand how yous can physically work longer. Maybe I work too hard 

I work 8.30 to 4.30 with a couple of smoke breaks and half an hour lunch. Honestly dont understand how yous can physically work longer. Maybe I work too hard 
I used to do 8:30 to 4:30, then when I took the lad on it was 8-4. Now it’s just me again I start around 9 and finish around 2-3 ?

To be honest I’m enjoying the work a lot more now. I’m spending a bit longer at home each morning but I’m getting a proper breakfast, preparing lunch & making sure the house is tidy so when I get home I’ve got next to nothing to do!  It makes going to work more enjoyable, I find at least ?

I began at 9am and finished at 4pm then did some shopping. Where i save time is getting the van prepared the night before if i can be bothered. Preplanning your week makes all the difference as well. If I wasn't that busy then I would only work in the morning and finish for 1pm.

I used to do 8:30 to 4:30, then when I took the lad on it was 8-4. Now it’s just me again I start around 9 and finish around 2-3 ?

To be honest I’m enjoying the work a lot more now. I’m spending a bit longer at home each morning but I’m getting a proper breakfast, preparing lunch & making sure the house is tidy so when I get home I’ve got next to nothing to do!  It makes going to work more enjoyable, I find at least ?
I would say so mate, I was definitely happier back when I was working them sort of hours but definitely poorer lol. I finished at 3 during the week to get back for the football and it felt like I had won something I felt that good ?

I used to do 8:30 to 4:30, then when I took the lad on it was 8-4. Now it’s just me again I start around 9 and finish around 2-3 ?

To be honest I’m enjoying the work a lot more now. I’m spending a bit longer at home each morning but I’m getting a proper breakfast, preparing lunch & making sure the house is tidy so when I get home I’ve got next to nothing to do!  It makes going to work more enjoyable, I find at least ?
I've been working like this for years....I work more efficiently working shorter hours,I dont get too bored of cleaning and my work/life balance is much better...and I earn more money than I've ever learnt working longer hours in previous years....win win

I've been working like this for years....I work more efficiently working shorter hours,I dont get too bored of cleaning and my work/life balance is much better...and I earn more money than I've ever learnt working longer hours in previous years....win win
Work/life balance is the key. Work to live, don’t live it work!

I wonder, do you find you are making more now because you only hold onto the good stuff? I know when I work more I tend to do crapper work but justify it as ‘having the time’ but know I work less I’m focused on only doing the cream and get rid of the rest  ?

Work/life balance is the key. Work to live, don’t live it work!

I wonder, do you find you are making more now because you only hold onto the good stuff? I know when I work more I tend to do crapper work but justify it as ‘having the time’ but know I work less I’m focused on only doing the cream and get rid of the rest  ?
Getting asked for quotes for jobs no one seems to want so I bump the price up hoping I don't get them.

Agree @scottish cleaning service price high on these as its either the job or the person thats the problem remember getting a job once where i quoted 3 1/2 times what i normally would and still got it as it was an awkward job people either didnt give a price or even more than mine.

@Master Jedi Alejandro less time you have more fussy you get.

Along time ago i read about ranking customers (time taken, value of the customer, referred work etc) & must admit i should start doing it with window cleaning,

As 1 customer i have brought in 10k of recommendations directly in a year and 12k the next yet in those 2 years probably only spent about £1200 herself, yet due to the value of new customers she brought she got vip service.

Work/life balance is the key. Work to live, don’t live it work!

I wonder, do you find you are making more now because you only hold onto the good stuff? I know when I work more I tend to do crapper work but justify it as ‘having the time’ but know I work less I’m focused on only doing the cream and get rid of the rest  ?
refining and compacting my round over many years,price rises for existing customers,charging more for newer jobs and better equipment for the job in hand...i now have over 300 jobs in a 3 mile area so not much driving involved either...im also really organised with work schedules


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