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Hydrophobic glass help


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if really not happy with result mate could you just trad them especially downstairs windows i do this on really bad hydrophobic
I trad all bottoms and only wfp some upstairs, certain roads i clean, basically roads with lots of customers which warrants getting it out.

Yeah i can understand what you mean there Richard, but it seems to me that within the window cleaning community people refer to glass that repells the water into little streams rather than sheeting as hydrophobic glass although as u rightly point out its still hydrophilic but at the negative end with regards to wfp cleaning. That said i will continue to refer to it as hydrophobic glass otherwise no one except maybe u will know what type of glass im talking about. I'm Not going to start saying "barely hydrophilic glassis causing me trouble" /emoticons/tongue.png
You say all glass is hydrophilic? Even when it has a nanotech coating?

I do the same when posting, referring to some glass as hydrophobic when comparing with glass that allows the water to sheet more evenly

Glass as a material is already hydrophilic, nano technology makes it more so, it’s used on lenses, glasses all sorts of equipment and products other than windows or even glass.

As a window cleaner I didn’t know about any of this, but as I make window cleaning brushes, it something I had to know to make the brushes, and select the range/type of brush bristles for Tecbuk brushes. No one else has ever done this before.

Read other forums and you will get window cleaners, who think they are brush experts, and clean fast yet they couldn’t even tell you what type of bristle they use and so they have to rinse every pane of glass they clean.

Wfp as come along in the past few years, a window cleaner can clean hundreds of panes per day; hydrophobic glass is quicker to clean with wfp, not slower.

All the talk about doing a final rinse came about because the first brushes used for wfp were always mainly an absorbent Nylon monofilament, so you had to rinse otherwise you will get spotting regardless of what you think is the type of glass, hence why window cleaners like more ‘Hydrophilic glass’, when its all Hydrophilic anyway.

The reality is old habits die hard, but you don’t always have to do a final rinse, with the right brush and a cleaning good method and working practice, rinse when necessary and not otherwise.

(Or stick fans in your brush, because you don’t know what else to do :whistle:)

I can't be bothered to reply anymore @Tuffers as richard is just using this thread to try flogging his magic can clean without rinsing brushes again.:rolleyes:

So, in a round about way you're saying we don't need Vision and phobic glass is easier to clean than philic?

Tuffers, you might need vision you might not, that’s for you to decide. I’ve spoken to some window cleaners abroad who like to use it, so in other countries and hotter climates and with different cleaning frequencies it will have it uses. I haven’t used the product, so cant comment on it really, but I do think having the choice available to use the product in the UK, if the need arises, is better than not having it.

I will be getting some to try and test with brushes later in the New Year.

Less Hydrophilic glass is much quicker to clean, for ground floor & most 1st floor windows - you can see the glass is clean of any dirt. Any stubborn dirt will need extra scrubbing regardless of how much the glass is hydrophilic, but most dirt is easily removed quickly and the glass will be clean with a good brush and a good flow of pure water in a few seconds.

Keep on doing the final rinse on every pane of glass you clean, if you’re not confident of you cleaning, or change your cleaning method (rinse if you’re using a Nylon monofilament brush).

if you think MR richard bites add smiley face coo coo:D

I could BS you Duncs like one particular supplier, but that would mean becoming king of the toads and getting my arse kissed on the forum(s), and that’s just not my thing. Praise my wfp brushes or hate them, but you will never be allowed to kiss my arse. /emoticons/biggrin.png

No, it’s much better to inform, it’s only the inferior man who hates knowledge anyhow.

I could BS you Duncs like one particular supplier, but that would mean becoming king of the toads and getting my arse kissed on the forum(s), and that’s just not my thing. Praise my wfp brushes or hate them, but you will never be allowed to kiss my arse. /emoticons/biggrin.png
No, it’s much better to inform, it’s only the inferior man who hates knowledge anyhow.
Who would this particular supplier be that B/S us Richard?

Once you have finished all the windows go back round to the ones that are leaving the dotted lines and cut the line off with a little rinse if you get what I mean

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I could BS you Duncs like one particular supplier, but that would mean becoming king of the toads and getting my arse kissed on the forum(s), and that’s just not my thing. Praise my wfp brushes or hate them, but you will never be allowed to kiss my arse. /emoticons/biggrin.png
No, it’s much better to inform, it’s only the inferior man who hates knowledge anyhow.
Clues is that you????

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Once you have finished all the windows go back round to the ones that are leaving the dotted lines and cut the line off with a little rinse if you get what I mean

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if you think they are going to leak or run Neil dry wipe the tops

I could BS you Duncs like one particular supplier, but that would mean becoming king of the toads and getting my arse kissed on the forum(s), and that’s just not my thing. Praise my wfp brushes or hate them, but you will never be allowed to kiss my arse. /emoticons/biggrin.png
No, it’s much better to inform, it’s only the inferior man who hates knowledge anyhow.

BS !!! help help dunky no ken

The beady glass (as me and my mate refer to the hydrophobic ones) are just huge time wasters when rinsing off, as another member said, u just have go from top to bottom make sure the jet of water touches every inch of glass, we never get problems doing it this way.

And on the ground level we use a squeegee on them, scrub em, rinse the top edge, blade em off, rinse the edges, saves loads of water and time!

i asked the which jets question well over a year ago and most seemed to be of the opinion that pencil jets would sheet better on hydrophobic glass than fan jets

I do the same when posting, referring to some glass as hydrophobic when comparing with glass that allows the water to sheet more evenly

Glass as a material is already hydrophilic, nano technology makes it more so, it’s used on lenses, glasses all sorts of equipment and products other than windows or even glass.

As a window cleaner I didn’t know about any of this, but as I make window cleaning brushes, it something I had to know to make the brushes, and select the range/type of brush bristles for Tecbuk brushes. No one else has ever done this before.

Read other forums and you will get window cleaners, who think they are brush experts, and clean fast yet they couldn’t even tell you what type of bristle they use and so they have to rinse every pane of glass they clean.

Wfp as come along in the past few years, a window cleaner can clean hundreds of panes per day; hydrophobic glass is quicker to clean with wfp, not slower.

All the talk about doing a final rinse came about because the first brushes used for wfp were always mainly an absorbent Nylon monofilament, so you had to rinse otherwise you will get spotting regardless of what you think is the type of glass, hence why window cleaners like more ‘Hydrophilic glass’, when its all Hydrophilic anyway.

The reality is old habits die hard, but you don’t always have to do a final rinse, with the right brush and a cleaning good method and working practice, rinse when necessary and not otherwise.

(Or stick fans in your brush, because you don’t know what else to do :whistle:)
Richard, my understanding in regards to nano technology and lenses is that lens manufacturers spend millions on putting hydrophobic coatings on them not hydrophilic. Where and how have you heard of manufacturers making lenses more hydrophilic? I was a lens technician for 10 years so would be interesting to know as I'm not aware this was ever the case.
