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Looking To Add A Side Business To My Window Cleaning


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That's like a grand a month you've gotta earn before you've even broke even... Not to mention the start up cost...

Some good advice on here, stick with the window, maybe offer mobile car valleting...

plus if you did take that other person on during the week, and you get no cars in, you still have to pay a wage out!!!!

if you pay the person £50 a day he has to clean 10 cars @£5 just to get his wages, then there are all the other costs on top of that before you make any money! electric, water, cleaning products, etc etc.

Lol i might just concentrate on building my round up cos havin 1 business is a headache if i had acar wash it wud be double headache lol

Another idea H. the car... the alloys... now the car wash lol. You will be selling snow to eskamoes next lol.
Where does these ideas come from, and where do they go! /emoticons/tongue.png
Aside from the joking, I think you should go for it, might be twice the headache, but it will be twice the income!

I couldn't do it, I struggle with window cleaning, but you never know unless you try H /emoticons/biggrin.png

You already have customers H so simply up-sell them more services as I've found you can earn good money from doing so.

If you can offer what I call a full exterior deep cleaning packaged to new and existing customers then think you will do well.

1. Hard Surface Cleaning - drives, paving, patios, decking etc

2. Gutter Clearing - guttervac or by hand

3. Fascia, Soffit, Guttering & Cladding Cleaning

4. Upvc restoration work - deep cleaning window frames, sills & door frames inside and/or out.

5. Conservatory Roof Deep Cleaning - Inside and/or out

There are a lot more services you could offer too but I tend to stick with just the above now.

If you’re lucky like me you can earn a day’s wage easily and more often than not a lot more just at one property for a few hours work

To be honest that's why I only have a small window cleaning round as I hate window cleaning with a passion as would drive me bonkers if I just cleaned window every day.

H If you were my son I would give you a good slap as I'm trying to give you advice on how you could easily double if not triple you current income.

After all the title of your post was "Looking To Add A Side Business To My Window Cleaning"

I give up now /emoticons/biggrin.png

smurf their just add ons i want regular constant work so id rather build my customer base up... then once its high and am happy then ill offer add ons more and advetise for them ... all my customers on my round will get 25% off /emoticons/smile.png

but i need regular constant income thats why a window cleaning round servicing customers 2/4/8 weekly is better for me /emoticons/smile.png

H take Smurfs advice I have.

You can still build up your round but also advertise additional services like Smurf.

It's not a race,if you keep sprinting quality will go out the window.

I had 170 after a year of starting and now have hundreds with out trying but also do carpet cleaning and deep cleaning like Smurf.I'm that busy now fully booked up for 3 weeks with good quality work including a big commercial.

You have to slow down as I've been a window cleaning operative all my life so know the trade.

You have the drive to succeed just listen to people like Smurf coz now realize you can learn a lot on here.

Car washing is a good business, if you know what your doing.

Static is not the answer, mobile is best, especially for start up costs, but even mobile, you Gona need near on £1k to get started, for static, your Gona need a min of £5-10k.

Also don't go thinking you can stick a different type of brush on your wfp setup either. Brushes are a big no no In This industry.

I'm not trying to put you off and can defo confirm my car cleaning took off much more than windows, but if your serious then in happy to spend a half hour writing up the way I think I should be done and what you need and even where to get it and how's best to gain business for this type of work.

i wanna take my customer count high /emoticons/smile.png dont care about getting conservatory cleans etc..... when i get up to 400 customers thats when ill start advertising it more with prices etc

if a customer rang me now asking me to clean the roof id say ye of course.... but i guarantee if i offered this to all my customers id get 2/3jobs out of it ?

ill be doing that when my customer base is big /emoticons/smile.png

Just a lot of thoughts lol
How much was your start up costs going to be?

Concentrate on window cleaning, if you really want to make more money look in to pressure washers or gutter vacs H. These would go along nicely with window cleaning and cost a fraction of what it would to set up a proper car wash. There both nice earners and you could do them on your rounds. Something to think about H

How much was your start up costs going to be?
Concentrate on window cleaning, if you really want to make more money look in to pressure washers or gutter vacs H. These would go along nicely with window cleaning and cost a fraction of what it would to set up a proper car wash. There both nice earners and you could do them on your rounds. Something to think about H
na dont wanna do gutter vacs lol also pressure washing ive always thought of but not reeli keen on it

Im just gonna keep at this and a in a few years time ill buy a buy hot food takeaway that i can work in at night

H, I understand your young and you have all these ideas running through your head (which is great so don't every stop) but you need to narrow it down to the things you enjoy.

For example me....I know window cleaning earns more than the cars.... But I enjoy the cars, its a passion of mine.

So have a think, narrow it down to 2-3 things and then weigh out the pros and cons and make a choice /emoticons/smile.png

You have 175 customers

All 175 should have guttering ( unless it's a flat/appartment ) that could be 175 gutter cleans.. £30 each = £5250

Wash their guttering and PVC and another £30

You have 175 customers
All 175 should have guttering ( unless it's a flat/appartment ) that could be 175 gutter cleans.. £30 each = £5250

Wash their guttering and PVC and another £30
i wish this could happen to me. lol