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Purifying water from flat but it's unmetered- problem?


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Could you nail it up next to an existing cable? I'm sure it wouldn't get a second glance when it's up and just wait till theres no one watching to hook up the van to base tap hose, maybe at dusk/dawn. Paint the top of the hose white by the window and black the rest so it looks like it enters your house as a media cable. don't think throwing hoses out the window a few times a week is good

200 litres in 40mins? Could someone with a 4040 working on good mains pressure give an idea how long it will take to actually fill 200 litres?

You don't want to invest 100s of pounds in it just to find out that it will take a lot longer than you thought

Clean all the flats Windows every few months for good will. Nobody will bother you then.

Good luck!
