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Well I did this job yesterday morning and it did take longer than expected, I was on the job about 1hr30 and used about 45ltrs of water. I did notice a couple of windows had some water marks after they dried so went over them again. So I guess I need to improve my rinsing technique!
Do you mean it took you 1hr 30 minutes to clean or is that including travel time. 

Well done. To be fair you quoted £60 didn't you? So that's £40 an hour so not bad considering you will speed up over time and it was first clean. I bet in a few months you will have that down to nearer 30 mins, then you will be on £120 an hour for that job ? 
Yep £60 so not so bad it is a big building to be fair it's actually 2 units. I did spend time chatting ect as it's where I used to work. next time if i can get under 1hr i'll be happy?

Do you mean it took you 1hr 30 minutes to clean or is that including travel time. 
Actual time on site ?

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Just surprised it took that long and also how you managed too only use 45ltrs of water
I remember taking 2x 25ltr containers and emptying one of the 25lts and using about 10ltrs of the second one. i can't remember if i had to fill up the backpack when i got there or if it was already partially full so i could be under estimating how much i used, could be an extra 10/20lts

Because people were coming out and chatting i lost track?

I did think i used too much water?‍♂️

I'd say you didn't use enough water.  For a first clean I'd expect 75 to 100 litres.  It's always best to use more on a first clean to properly flush out all the **** and any residue in the seals.  Ongoing 50 litres on that job is about right once you're up to speed.  

I'd say you didn't use enough water.  For a first clean I'd expect 75 to 100 litres.  It's always best to use more on a first clean to properly flush out all the **** and any residue in the seals.  Ongoing 50 litres on that job is about right once you're up to speed.  
Fair enough. I did say after the first clean they will look better as they haven't been cleaned for a while, hopefully in 8 weeks they won't be too bad

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I remember taking 2x 25ltr containers and emptying one of the 25lts and using about 10ltrs of the second one. i can't remember if i had to fill up the backpack when i got there or if it was already partially full so i could be under estimating how much i used, could be an extra 10/20lts

Because people were coming out and chatting i lost track?

I did think i used too much water?‍♂️
Gotcha, not enough water I thought always best not to skimp that's the downside of using a back pack and containers always conscious of not having enough water, I started wfp using a trolley and i managed but my eyes were opened once I got a tank and had no worries about running out of water 
