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Tried them poles mate and they slowed us down...


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did you here about the guy in hospital with broken legs and arms

bless him getting fed through straw

had visit from the H&S they said they could,int understand why he was cleaning windows of a ladder ,the WC said it was quicker doing it off ladders just joking

when your WFP & trad you use both what ever fits the job

Not me anyway

I trad bottoms sometimes but cannae be arsed with ladders any more

Even a athlete that was good at trad would not be faster than a average conditioned bloke doing wfp, theres just too many movements required compared to wfp that makes it slower.

depends now really does if not a first clean or that crap lol

if it was a normal semi house and a ladder was set up and all and hose was out wud be close call but hte way some cleaning is now 1 here 2 there it be hard tradd style lol

the modern day window cleaner uses trad wfp and even the karcher u cant beat them we ***** on a conservatory roof inside lol

I used to defend trad like it was my baby,
But wfp is so much faster, and we all claim we were 'fast tradders' and I was certainly fast, but wfp is miles faster for me, just being able to do upstairs Windows without moving a ladder saves a lot of time, as does no detailing and messing about with cloths etc,

Defo miles faster to wfp for me!

I agree @Jake.

If you are short like I am then trading lower windows is also a problem on high windows. I had to carry a short step ladder to reach the tops. So for me, WFP was miles quicker and safer - see the other post. I wouldn't go back to trad even if it was quicker.

