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Warning/Safety signs - WFP


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East Yorkshire
Hi all, I am about to start my new business using WFP. Just wondering which warning/safety signs you all use while you are out using WFP? Does it matter what it specifically says e.g. 'Trip Hazard' /  'Trailing hoses, window cleaning in progress' / 'Wet floor' etc or will any do? Also, is having a sign on show compulsory? 

Having a sign isn't compulsory @MickyB. Warning signage is just a small part of the process. Its obviously more important in high traffic areas, but then would you be wanting to put your business at risk by cleaning wfp at these times.

For example we used to clean a couple of Sainsbury's locals at 5.00 in the morning as there was nobody around then.

When we did a training course, the signage suggested was a warning of a "Trip Hazard," a warning of "objects falling from height" and "Slip Hazard.".

If someone trips over your hose then they have little excuse as the warning signs were out. You have done all you reasonably could. If they were focused on their phone then they are at fault for not paying due attention. However, if you haven't the sign, then this could change a judges viewpoint if it went to court.

So yes, having the correct signage that is applicable to your job is really important. Other things are important as well. You have to ensure the safety of those around you at all times, even if some of them are complete idiots. You have to take responsibility for their actions. It could mean that you need a banksman to keep an area clear of people; you may have to cordon off an area the diameter of your extended pole and in extreme circumstances, you may have to apply to the council to close a road off. 

I do an accountants offices on the high street. Its 3 stories high. I do it very early on either a Saturday morning or a Sunday morning. If I have to run a hose across the pavement then I put warning signs out and when working in the front talk to each passer by to please be careful of the hose. When I'm around the back the signage has to do that for me.

If I can get a park in the alley next to the building I don't bother with the signage. I still talk to each person I see and when around the back there are no hoses across the pavement. Each job is different. What might apply this time may not be applicable next time. When we work and wet pavements in this weather we either postpone the job or put lots of salt down.



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we dont use them at all , there more of a Hazard then the hose , theres no real way of being 100% legal when using wfp all the signs in the world wont save you from being sued every time we used these stupid things people rolled over them as facebook is more inportant then looking where your going 

if your that worried about being sued then get good insurance make your company a ltd one then you can just fold it and they get nothing when at court you can just transfer your work to your wife and carry on 

i know i will get flamed for saying the above but every other company in the world does this , look at carilion do you thing the people at the top are going to care weather there going under or do you think they will just open a bottle of bubbly while suning themselves on a boat somewhere very hot 

stop over thinking things and lash on cleaning windows 

^^^^  :1f644:  I'll put a cone out if I'm doing a run of houses and there's kids walking to school. Just a courtesy thing isn't it. It shows that you're aware that your hose could be a nuisance to pedestrians. Other window cleaners won't bother, but they come across as arrogant anyway  :1f609:

Maybe trad in busy areas? We use backpacks so nothing trailing from the van. I personally never liked the idea of trailing hoses which is one of the reasons i was put off a van system. What if a blind person fell over them? Like the guys above say, no amount of signage in the world will save you. And people are generally daft these days. “Look where you’re going” is a practise of the past

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I put a regular collapsible cone down, but that is mostly to warn people of either the van doors standing open, or me working around the corner standing in the road.

Never really had any issues with people tripping over the hose, though you can actually slip on it if it's a bit icy.

I had one serious problem once, when I cleaned the airport and my hose went just across the main entrance just as people were approaching to check in. All the luggage on wheels dragged the hose with them, into the rotating doors. So the parking guard had to be degraded to a hose guard while I was cleaning. That was not fun, and not very professional.

Thank you for your detailed responses guys, it is much appreciated. I think the best bet then will be to get a couple of signs just to be on the safe side and use them when needed. Cheers. 

Putting a safety sign out is just part of your basic RAMS.

If you don't put one out and some one falls you haven't go a leg to stand on in court and nor will your insurance pay out.

If your not going to bother with safety cones you may as well not bother with insurance and if your of the mind set of just folding your company if something bad happens you may as well not bother paying tax as well.

Hi all, I am about to start my new business using WFP. Just wondering which warning/safety signs you all use while you are out using WFP? Does it matter what it specifically says e.g. 'Trip Hazard' / 'Trailing hoses, window cleaning in progress' / 'Wet floor' etc or will any do? Also, is having a sign on show compulsory?
Hi Micky, just starting out myself Nov2024 & I’m a little nervous of this aspect, pls what did you find works best in practice?
I don't put a sign out it's a trip hazard. If I'm working in a high traffic area I switch to using a trolley so I'm not leaving the hose out. I get my commercial jobs done before staff come to work. You have to be on the ball and watchful, there's one job I do and a blind fellow walks down the street so I help him get past the hose. Run the hose down perimeter of walls so you're not creating a trip hazard.
I never bother with signs anymore as I've had customers and joe public trip over my signs before now...I've also run over them(signs not people!).I was always leaving them on jobs too..
They clutter up the van as well...