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Wilks Pressure Washer Pump/Spares - Help Please!


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Morning all. Some time ago I inherited my Sons Wilks 750i pressure washer when he purchased a replacement Clarkes washer. This has given reasonably good service for what I need but, when I came to use it yesterday to clean our driveway, I noticed the outlet pressure tended to be a little low. I can only assume the pump is now in need of service or replacement? I had a look online last night and discovered Union Mart, who supplied the machine, have now gone in liquidation. I just wondered if anyone knows who now supplied spares and parts now that they have gone out of business?
Morning all. Some time ago I inherited my Sons Wilks 750i pressure washer when he purchased a replacement Clarkes washer. This has given reasonably good service for what I need but, when I came to use it yesterday to clean our driveway, I noticed the outlet pressure tended to be a little low. I can only assume the pump is now in need of service or replacement? I had a look online last night and discovered Union Mart, who supplied the machine, have now gone in liquidation. I just wondered if anyone knows who now supplied spares and parts now that they have gone out of business?
A cheap Chineseium mass production machine with a generic die-cast alloy pump which you can find in abundance online for around £79 and providing you can match the engine horsepower / flow and engine shaft size

A top tip. Always think outside of the box. Don't worry about brand names as most machines come from the same commercial district and have the same parts.
