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Working in the snow....


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Seems like all of Europe apart from Bournemouth has had snow this week. Not a flake here. But neighbouring towns just 10/15 miles away have had at least half an inch. And 30 miles up 2 inches+ 

Hope you’re all able to work tomorrow. Slightly warmer but wetter days coming Tuesday onwards it looks like. 

Seems like all of Europe apart from Bournemouth has had snow this week. Not a flake here. But neighbouring towns just 10/15 miles away have had at least half an inch. And 30 miles up 2 inches+ 

Hope you’re all able to work tomorrow. Slightly warmer but wetter days coming Tuesday onwards it looks like. 
We don’t have any snow either bright sunshine and3:5 degrees , we have been having a frost most nights though 


We don’t have any snow either bright sunshine and3:5 degrees , we have been having a frost most nights though 

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Nice! Yeah exactly the same here, Well up till an hour ago. Raining here now. But was a gorgeous morning & most afternoon today. Got up to about 4 degrees here aswell, but -2 or -3 last night. Same tonight. I love sunny frosty mornings!!! ??

Seems like all of Europe apart from Bournemouth has had snow this week. Not a flake here. But neighbouring towns just 10/15 miles away have had at least half an inch. And 30 miles up 2 inches+ 

Hope you’re all able to work tomorrow. Slightly warmer but wetter days coming Tuesday onwards it looks like. 
2" of snow down south is a lot of snow up here it has to 6-12"  and doesn't get national news coverage either ?

It's around 0c at the moment in West Swindon, Wiltshire. Forecast down to - 3 before dawn and about +3 by about 11am. We're aiming to start an hour later than usual, about 10am. We're staying local, avoiding country lanes and hills.

This morning where the sun was hitting the van it was melting the ice, As soon as the water got to where the sun hadn't got to it was freezing up again 
Same here mate, I cleaned our windows today as the window cleaner the other day did half a job, the water hit the block paving around the house froze in no time in the shaded areas 


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