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vans, tanks, payload the age old topic


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what vans and size tanks is every one running and payload of there van ?

ive got lwb vivaro 1380 payload  500l tank just about to chuck a 800l in it but it be only filled 500l most days but will fil to top once every now and again i carry a small ladder vac and some times a lite waight triple pressure washer when needed, now looking at upgrading van at some point and thinking maby a change not shore what to get 

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what vans and size tanks is every one running and payload of there van ?

ive got lwb vivaro 500l tank just about to chuck a 800l in it but it be only filled 500l most days but will fil to top once every now and again i carry a small ladder vac and some times a lite waight triple pressure washer when needed, now looking at upgrading van at some point and thinking maby a change not shore what to get 
Merc Vito 109 CDI, medium sized van 924 kg payload. 650 tank, two man team. Tooled up as close as we could get to a fire engine for work efficiency and speed. We carry everything we need for the types of work we do. ?Probably around our weight limit at the start of the days work. But wouldn't know it from the performance and handling. Superb vans in my personal experience of several years of ownership.

Sorry, photo is poor. Was facing the sun.

There was a conversation on this subject very recently. Search : Best Van and Picks. ??


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Nice looking van m8 ive got my eye on the vito what enging u running ?
Ooh er! That's a question. I really don't know. I don't take too much notice of that kind of detail. If it does what I want I'm happy. I'll try and find out.

Just checked with Transport Manager (er indoors) 2148cc, (Diesel) . ?

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2.1 beast m8 i no a chap who has one its auto 3.0 pulls like a train the 2.1 is a bit of a legend so ive hurd 

2.1 beast m8 i no a chap who has one its auto 3.0 pulls like a train the 2.1 is a bit of a legend so ive hurd 
I really can't say about the reputation. I just know what works for me. We also have a campervan of the same model and we had a 2003 mk 1 as a work van and my daily transport for years until I wanted one a bit fresher. That one had over a quarter of a million miles on it and was running perfectly when I sold it. Our current one is 2007 and our campervan is 2009.

I am a bit worried about recommending just incase I happen to have been lucky. But I can only tell it as my personal experience has been with three of them giving me sterling service.

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Nissan primastar 1.9 

650ltr tank - ladders and extra bulk.  Think pay load is 1052kg but I could be wrong.

looking for a new van but still very undecided.   

Vw caddy maxi- 500l tank, With full tank & gear & full fuel I’m probably on the payload (805kg I think) I am looking at a swb custom or something similar next year. 
I wish they did a slightly bigger caddy maxi with another 150kg. That would be the PREFECT one man van for me. 

We have 5 ford Transits MK6 AND MK7S  with a payload of 1000kg all have 800 litre tanks in them, we did use 650 litre but have upgraded to 800litres meaning no more coming back to fill up ! ?

Will be getting a non runner soon and park it up and any parts i need... just get it of that van ... save a lot of money £££ ❤️

what vans and size tanks is every one running and payload of there van ?

ive got lwb vivaro 1380 payload  500l tank just about to chuck a 800l in it but it be only filled 500l most days but will fil to top once every now and again i carry a small ladder vac and some times a lite waight triple pressure washer when needed, now looking at upgrading van at some point and thinking maby a change not shore what to get 
When you go big you have to consider payload and weight distribution.

If you look at @Davy G 's van, the centre of his tank is more towards the rear wheels than the front so his van takes the majority of the tanks weight on the rear wheels.

800kgs of water, a tank and frame is going to weight at least 900kgs. Start adding stuff (hose reels, leisure battery, poles, pressure washer etc and the remaining payload soon disappears. You have to take into account your weight, your working partner's weight and the amount of fuel in the tank.

This is the territory where you get the tank fitted by the experts, Grippa, Purefreedom, etc. They will know where to position that tank so neither axle is overloaded.

I have a swb Peugeot Boxer 333. It has a payload of just over 1400kgs. I can't fit a 650l tank width ways behind the bulkhead as the front axle is way overloaded. I wanted the tank width ways so I've fitted it just in front of the rear axle. This gives me enough space at the back for hose reels and a good amount of usable space behind the bulkhead.

Purefreedom's choice is to fit the tank length ways. This spreads the load well but the space behind the drivers seat becomes dead space. You haven't much more on the single sliding door side.

Before you buy a van ask the fitter of your tank if the vehicle you want will carry a tank that size and the orientation you want.

We have 5 ford Transits MK6 AND MK7S  with a payload of 1000kg all have 800 litre tanks in them, we did use 650 litre but have upgraded to 800litres meaning no more coming back to fill up ! ?

Will be getting a non runner soon and park it up and any parts i need... just get it of that van ... save a lot of money £££ ❤️
Honestly I wouldn't brag about that H.

You buying them and fitting 800 liter tanks makes you responsible. If there is an accident and the van is deemed to be overloaded, that's a big fine. Its also points on the driver's licence. He could very well come back on you supplying a vehicle not road worthy for the task required of it.


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me old man used to have an old one of these for his maintenance work back in the day, but his was blue and white, I think an ex gas works one? slow, but used to purr along. i remember one time before he'd left for work I sneeked out and hid in the back and ended up at his job. he had to phone mum and say i'd be late for the infants, i was about 5 ? ?

Honestly I wouldn't brag about that H.

You buying them and fitting 800 liter tanks makes you responsible. If there is an accident and the van is deemed to be overloaded, that's a big fine. Its also points on the driver's licence. He could very well come back on you supplying a vehicle not road worthy for the task required of it.

Bragging ? ? ? whos bragging ? lmaoooooooo @spruce i dont know what your talking about because the van is never overloaded?

800litres water - 800kg
tank - 50kg
- hosereel and other bits and bobs : - 50kg
the driver - 100kg 

I have Ford Transits a medium sized van... i know people who have 600 litres in smaller vans and i also know window cleaners carrying 1,000 litres with the same van as me :D

All my vans are legit and 100% road worthy :D  I even have a big commercial customer who have a weighing bridge on site and i do the job on a first thing in the morning, i once went to the weight bridge and i was 62kg short from being overloaded haha :D

Oh wow! Commer 18cwt. Later also badged, Dodge. That's one of the later ones. I'd be almost an anorak on them. I had one for years. My first vehicle.

About to go into an old duffer ramble. Apologies in advance. ??

The early ones (Rootes Motor Group) had a smile shaped front grill, rather than the more squared off one in the photo. The door handles on the early ones we're a small handle and a button. The dash was rounded rather than the more squared shape of the later ones. The dip switch was a small round foot button to the left of the clutch. Access to the engine was by tilting the centre seat forward. The engine was a 4cyl 1725cc petrol, similar to that used in Hillman Minx and then Hunter. Firing order 1342.

Mine; early 60s, had a heavy, coachbuilt, gown body. Far too heavy for the chassis-cab. It bounced, wallowed and swayed like an ocean schooner. Part of the reason for this is visible if you look at the photo. You will see that while the back wheels are a normal distance apart, the front wheels are set closer to each other. I loved it, felt like I was out at sea, especially in a crosswind. ?

I think that's enough of a ramble down memory lane, for you guys to be reading. I'll get back in my chair. Put blanket on knees, drink my coco and... zzz. 

Sorry! Dosed off for a moment. ?

Thanks for indulging me. ?

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800litres water - 800kg
tank - 50kg
- hosereel and other bits and bobs : - 50kg
the driver - 100kg 
What about the tank frame also a decent sized leisure battery weighs around 20-25kg, not good for a van to max out it's payload or worse still on a hope and pray thinking it won't be overloaded thus breaking the law but also endangering your employee's definitely not recommended at all. 

harunh said:
Ive been to a weigh bridge , with fully loaded water tested it and i was 62kg short if u read the post mr Iron Giant ? im 100% legal kid so stop trying to be big man giving the big talk ? trying to tell me im breaking the law etc lmaooo im 100% legit and legal u trying to jump to conclusions just like @spruce was ? if u and spruce spent less time on the forums and more time on your business u probably could of both been retired by now ??

And if i was maxing it out i wouldnt have 62kg spare to play with , i know a firm with 11 vans and his vans be overloaded every morning he gets pulled and has to empty his water out on the spot lmao 
I read your reply, I effectively pulled you up just to outline the possible risk and for others not to potentially overload there own vans this needs bringing up as a serious consideration,

as for the big man, big talk wind your neck in I am a mod so i will pull something if needed for the good of the forum and it's members new and old to pre-warn others of potential dangers, also been a mod I am on here more than some doing my job as a mod and my business is my own with respect I don't have to come on here or anywhere else and reel out details of my business and give it the look at me. 

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