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full timers ...


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I was wondering how many of you are full time on the glass ? Im part time at the moment but im seriously considering full time cause im sick of working weekends and missing out on family gatherings in my other job. I recon I'd work a 4 day week when possible and obviously depends on weather I know. I think I'd need around 250 houses to achieve a good wage each month. What do you guys think ?

I only do window cleaning and do it x5 days a week. Earning enough to support my family plus some. In my case fear was the main barrier (what if this / what if that) but once overcome I have never looked back.

With regards to customer size 250 sounds about right. Personally I have less than that but am fortunate in having some big earners. This has taken graft though mate and am under no illusion that tests and trials will often pop up every now and again. Good luck with it all - whichever route you decide to take:)

yeh Im er ...full time ..er...ish ...so I start at 11 and finish at 4 ..

now listen....I was out at 6.15 working away with banana this morn and then came back had the four ssss is ...thats **** shave shower ...and....f off its not saturday...the last one is sleep...

yeh apparently there is no tuffering at the mo cause the dog died...

and then out the door for round two...

which didnt go well....as it was grass cutting and really ...its not so much a lawn as a meadow...

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Its the lawn from hell...

I told her...WEEKLY from now on....

but...she is a milf ...

so how did I end up cutting grass ..well I dont want to ...I just got dragged in...and ....er..I think my mower may break down soon milf or not...

yes I like grass.:devil: who doesnt but..

one full compressed wheelie bin and three bin bags later....not so much..

Full time on the panels and windows. Just got retained firefighter job also.

I'm full time since last month it's worth the plunge mate it's a great buisness to be in you get out what you put in.

Every time I go out I pick work so really can't complain.

Started out thinking I would do weekends for a year see how it went. About 2 months in, I decided to go for it. Just over a year now. Regular job's 4 days a week, one off, cons etc on the 5. Best dissension I made in a long time.

I was wondering how many of you are full time on the glass ? Im part time at the moment but im seriously considering full time cause im sick of working weekends and missing out on family gatherings in my other job. I recon I'd work a 4 day week when possible and obviously depends on weather I know. I think I'd need around 250 houses to achieve a good wage each month. What do you guys think ?
the 4 day week eh- youve the wrong attitude you will fail without a maximum effort . youv got to be in for the 5 days at least or you wont get established .just my opinion, give it your all or stay where you are

I am also part time. I want to be full time but having to be patient due to trying to get my hours reduced at work and my anxiety with canvassing.

I also plan on having 4 full days work saving the 5th day for add on jobs, leeway for bad weather or a day off as i see fit. I cant work saturdays as i have my kids and after 2 years of working sundays i am going to reclaim them for getting back into my hobbies.

I started up again last june while doing a full time job

Now am back up and running 5 days a week on a 5 weekly cycle (plus bits and bobs at weekends)

Won't go back to the rat race ever

Some days are still quiet but i use the spare time for canvassing

Saying that i am greedy and when my mate asks i do a bit of driving work delivering to chemists

Hence why i am in Walthamstow at the moment waiting for boots to open

Why do i do this to myself:fubar:

Walthamstow hey, E17. I used to live in Hackney and used to go Selbourne walk in Walthamstow quite regularly

That's where i was..Selborne walk then st james street then of to leytonstone

Finished at tesco Gainsborough road

I hate hackney

A few weeks ago

Try delivering to clockwork pharmacy on Saturday with the pedestrian restrictions in mare st

Nowhere to park anywhere so parked outside safedale on lower clapton road and walked it..nightmare
