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New window cleaner basing business off bashing wfp


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Like he said, he knows both methods and for him WFP gives the best results, in his opinion. Not being disrespectful TAP, but have you used both methods?
I personally feel that there is a place for both, but if I can WFP a job instead of trad it, I will. It's quicker, safer, earns you your money quicker and on Georgians and leaded lights it definitely cleans better.

There you go, that's my opinion and I'm right :thumbsup:
Like fck are you :thumbsup: J/k./emoticons/smile.png

I haven't tried both, but I don't need to have. I pick up customers every month that start the phonecall with "You don't use one of those pole things do you?". But I have the common sense to know that its the cleaners fault, and not the method. And I have the respect to not spout rubbish against WFP on the forum, despite what my opinions are on it. I know that each of these methods has its users here, but most importantly I know that people on here rely on each method for their livelihoods so a bit of tact is in order.

I've got no issue when people say about WFP being better for leaded, georgeans etc. Common sense would say that it is easier to brush these with a big brush then it is to squeegee each one individually, or using a cloth. But when someone says its better results, then its going to get the backs up of any tradders in the same way the trad muppet did on his website.

Also, what's best for the window cleaner, is not necasarily what's best for the customer.

For the record, I'm hoping to get a WFP trolley soon to use it for the times when WFP is desired or essential.

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Hi & welcome to the forum @Bilko&\#039;s Privates :thumbsup:

I could not agree more as I would much prefer to use a 30ft pole than a 30ft ladder for sure;)

Might be better just to buff by hand than having water running inside on old lead windows ,,, Hell ive missed a good topic. M8 i wouldnt worry about that bloke. I live in a small village . We get 6 window cleaners coming and going . There is loads of work to get by word of mouth .keep cleaning your custies , keep your standards high , youll have nothing to worry about,

@TolishAPurd, read this quote and then re-read it. What I think he is saying is that you can argue which is best, but for him, he opts for WFP for health and safety.
I see what you mean now. It read a bit differently in my head. No offence meant, but I've read a lot of anti trad propaganda on here in the past so I think I just took this as another example of that. If you're still reading then sorry for jumping to conclusions Bilko.

Trad ladder work is crap compared to wfp work. The only thing you get is a very tight bum hole when the ladder starts to slip or if you are very unlucky follow through. Then follows the aerobics in slow motion trying to land on your feet at the bottom. I should know I've been there /emoticons/biggrin.png

sure theres no risk of falling ,but with wfp long term theres the risk of dying early from obesity[very common, iv seen plenty who use the big gut to their advantage counterbalancing the pole ]never mind the neck problems iv read about. wfp is in its infancy so long term deficiencies are only now starting to appear

cant remember who offhand ,but somebody with an established firm was posting for advice on what to do about a worker of 23 yrs old who after a few yrs [5 ish ]fulltime pole now couldnt do it , i think it was his shoulder that had weakened badly from overuse

Trad ladder work is **** compared to wfp work. The only thing you get is a very tight bum hole when the ladder starts to slip or if you are very unlucky follow through. Then follows the aerobics in slow motion trying to land on your feet at the bottom. I should know I've been there /emoticons/biggrin.png
TBH, apart from the money, and ease of use on awkwards windows it just doesnt appeal to me. I couldn't think of anything more tedious then scrubbing each and every window with a long brush. At least with the squeegee you get to show off some skills. /emoticons/smile.png

sure theres no risk of falling ,but with wfp long term theres the risk of dying early from obesity[very common, iv seen plenty who use the big gut to their advantage counterbalancing the pole ]never mind the neck problems iv read about. wfp is in its infancy so long term deficiencies are only now starting to appearcant remember who offhand ,but somebody with an established firm was posting for advice on what to do about a worker of 23 yrs old who after a few yrs [5 ish ]fulltime pole now couldnt do it , i think it was his shoulder that had weakened badly from overuse
Good point. I was out ofaction for 18 months due to a shoulder injury related to overuse. And believe me, it sucks.

You big show off /emoticons/biggrin.png

Once you have a go with wfp you will soon realise it's not as easy as it looks as requires a whole new skill set to do it properly.

Same as trad really as if you don't have the skill the job will turn out *****.

ahhh did i miss all the fun....i :h: em both....and at times i :swear: at both too...

as for the full out attack by the bloke on wfp.....do a full out attack on trad.....me....as i say...i love em both...and use em both...every day....

which is better...what a load of :turd:...we should all leave a window clean...a clean window is clean...however it was cleaned...and at the end of the day...thats where our wages come from....

ahhh sorry to upset you all but.....i had to redo two jobs from yesterday....it wouldnt have mattered which method got em clean...hail makes a mess....all little black bits on the sills....nature is the boss../emoticons/biggrin.png

RSI occurs in all trades including trad and wfp window cleaning. The most common long term effects of trad window cleaners is knackered knee joints, back, shoulder, wrist and hand issues all down to repetitive strain on the body.

Diwrnach your taking this too much to heart! If it helps then I'm willing to give you the number of the Knee Breakers Club ? Just ask for Tony Knuckles' and tell him i said this one is on the house.

All they do is call with the problem person , have a chat and a cup of tea, then break his knee caps. Its all very professional and you get a receipt for all work carried out.

And they are fully insured these days as well, just for piece of mind.

Yep the Irish are a really friendly bunch.

I prefer me walking stick /emoticons/biggrin.png


Wow, pleased i have had a busy day using the crappy wfp :laugh: ! I must sell it all and get on to using vinegar and newspaper to clean :thumbsup:

Each to their own method of working that suits them to earn the money as thats what we all go out for each day :thumbsup:

And a big respect to the decent trad guys as i am slow and useless at it thats why i use this modern wfp witchcraft :rolleyes:

yeh banana rules....as i wait for the lady to go out so i could wfp.....but....she didnt go out.....i was watching ...she has to go and get the kids....i got banana ready .....nope...her car didnt move....i think she has gone on an early half term holiday...grrrr you just cant get people to do what you want..

and another ...well she was out ...so out comes banana ....you see i think thats the problem...custys think...he used to spend so long cleaning trad....and now hes gone so fast.....ooops

so i looked next door and got banana ready.....she was out but was he.....and then....i saw the shadow behind the net curtains...booo banana had to go back to the car....oh i just cant be doing with explaining this new fangled way to peoples....

but....walk a bit and ...the fronts are all leaded and no cars on the drive....well i noticed the lad knocking about yesterday but what the hell its just the front....as i was cleaning the door slowly opened......oh hello i explained it all to her.....she said oh i heard some noise...hmmm..so i didnt knock on the door but...no cars on the drive means the owners are out....but not necessary...i may have interrupted some teenage tuffering....so why didnt he come to the door....no im not having a go at gingers...but..well maybe he was in the toilet....

and so banana goes back in the car....and i have to carry on the old fashioned way....but....i have to say.....wfp...its ....er...not as easy as it looks...but...its fast..safeish....well ask the wife how safe it is....and that builder who was nicely putting up the breeze block wall on monday...now that was a close one....i really need to look at both ends of the pole...

oh go on..lets make tuffers laugh before he goes to bed.....i was on one today....and er ..well ...the kitchen on the side gets very dirty sills...and this was a while back....so...well i dont want to get my sill cloth dirty....well too dirty...so i looked around and there was this paint roller lying in a tray on an exercise bench and i thought as cheapncheerful does....if i wipe the cra p onto the floor the sill wont be as dirty so thats what i did....

yeh to get paint of brickwork is very hard....it wasnt me of course i am :iaminnocent:....i reckon the guy swung it as he put it in the tray...View attachment 3096

you cant notice them can you....i mean it blends in well....but most of all it wasnt me...im innocent ...i just clean the windows..
