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No Shorts And T Shirt Today


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Well-known member
Yesterday was a brilliant day, sun shining and lots of work done...

Chucking it down now, met office app gives rain symbols for the next 4 days!!

Same here lol. I went bought new shorts and vest tops thinking I would get wearing them. I just need to get full day in today and Im done for window cleaning this week.

Wife said will be gusting upto 54 mph tomorrow so don't be going up any ladders. Bless she must still love me after all :Image13:

Wife said will be gusting upto 54 mph tomorrow so don't be going up any ladders. Bless she must still love me after all :Image13:

Sorry Smurfs you Mrs is probably thinking the same as mine if he falls he wont work so he cant earn money so i cant go shopping :Image13:

Don't worry Charlie as I'm worth more dead but for god sake don't tell the missus or she may try doing me in :Image3:


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