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Window Cleaner Falls To Death


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yes chip your rite i wos a bit blunt on stuped and i kow wot u say as to eruning a crust ,im frendily with sum trad giys ,i hope sume of em stop to think a bute ladders safty .and yes im on other forums ,two lads im frendly with one i kowe sice scool he fell of and off 9 muths and arm sholder tin and swues doc say if u fall a gane we carnt fix it ,hes to set to chage toWFP the outher one fell of walst working for sum one 8 muths in hopital tin and scwed his leg and his gafer bugerd off to canid cos he had no inshoranc he wont go WFP MAKES YOU THINK ,

Dailey - everyone on here who does trad are very very aware of the risks.... But we do things to prevent this: ladder mitts, ladder stops, risk assessments, 3 points of contact.

As sad as it is and I feel for His family it is speculated that he made 3 mistakes 1) poor resting of ladder, 2) not making 3 points of contact, 3) stretching beyond his limit and we can also be fairly certain that a risk assessment was not done or if it was, it was not followed. And he was clearly not in a fit and healthy state to be on the ladder, not to mention that the ladders stayed up!!

Wfp is not the ONLY way (I know you mentioned wagtail twice an wfp 7000000 times), I'm goin To be doing wag tail, but to do wag tail I need to practice some more but I'm getting there and getting a good result /emoticons/smile.png

Maybe people are sticking to ladders as they are the only alternative being WFP...

Either way ill still be using ladders for a large portion of work.

Dailey, I appreciate your posts as its clearly something you are very passionate about, which is a good quality to have when your talking about someone's safety, especially when it's people you don't even know, but your border lining pushing it so far that people will start ignoring you, so just give it a little bit of a rest dude.

Peace out an rip to the windys that have fallen!!

and wot wos wrong with this post to chip admiting i wos over top on caling tradys stupid ???????????????????????????????/

yes chip your rite i wos a bit blunt on stuped and i kow wot u say as to eruning a crust ,im frendily with sum trad giys ,i hope sume of em stop to think a bute ladders safty .and yes im on other forums ,two lads im frendly with one i kowe sice scool he fell of and off 9 muths and arm sholder tin and swues doc say if u fall a gane we carnt fix it ,hes to set to chage toWFP the outher one fell of walst working for sum one 8 muths in hopital tin and scwed his leg and his gafer bugerd off to canid cos he had no inshoranc he wont go WFP MAKES YOU THINK ,
Nice healthy debate about the use of ladders but if you read the article a couple of times he had the shakes and probably would of trip up over his own hose (no disrespect to the family intended) he clearly needed to earn a crust but was ill and had a tragic accident. I think this post was to get you guys thinking about the consequences of using ladders while feeling poorly same as driving a car while feeling ill. We all have our own way of cleaning windows and wfp can be just as dangerous as ladder work if you don't consider the hazards.
