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Finger pain


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As the title says, mainly in the morning and hard to make a fist then goes away after an hour or so. Read on another post that it could be to do with the thinness of my pole and gripping it too tight causing strain.

Was thinking of padding out my slx22 but I occaisionally use an extension. Any tips on how to do this so its removeable?

Or tips on avoiding hand strain?


If you are right handed cup your right hand and have the base of the pole where the hose comes out sitting in the palm of your hand

Use your left hand on top of the pole with an open hand pushing on the pole rather than gripping it while actually cleaning

The only time i actually grip the pole is when moving to another window or doing an awkward one over a roof etc

That helped a lot of aches i was getting

Thanks Daveyboy will give that a try.

Yes thought about seeing a doc but they normally tell you to rest it and too busy for that. Then would happen again anyway as soon as I started back unless I changed something I was doing

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It feels weird at first but Damo showed me and it helped my hand and also my shoulder pain eased almost instantly as i hold both hands quite low down now and let the pole do the reaching

I am just guiding it with my left from about chest height and moving it up and down with my right using my bicep/elbow and my shoulders are not moving hardly

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It's basically RSI coz you're gripping the pole.

I went down to see my doctor like green suggested and he explained RSI. So searched on net and the technique davey boy explained is what i thought would work AND i found similar/same on the net.

I do agree with the thinness of the pole. Going from an 18 extreme to a 22 extreme has helped me as well (same from slx 18 to 22)

It's basically RSI coz you're gripping the pole.
I went down to see my doctor like green suggested and he explained RSI. So searched on net and the technique davey boy explained is what i thought would work AND i found similar/same on the net.

I do agree with the thinness of the pole. Going from an 18 extreme to a 22 extreme has helped me as well (same from slx 18 to 22)
Absolutely spot on.

Keep the pole long and low, rest on the leg when rinsing. Cup the end with your right hand and keep your left hand face down high, but not over-extended up the pole. Best leverage for control and power with the least strain on body, arm and hand. Buy good boots too, a sturdy footing saves your body more stress.

Still, take care of those hands because the way I see it, all we got is our hands to take care of us.

Tried it today and you can certainly feel that it's straining less. Just kept catching myself going back to my normal grip so will take some getting use to I presume. Thanks for all the advice chaps. Still might make the pole handle bigger in any case for when I'm reaching over connies etc

Also i prefer to extend the pole more than average and stand back a bit more and avoid the sore neck

Think about it before you do it and you can save a lot of unnecessary stretching etc


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