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Hot Water Systems


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Too true, continuous use is ace, it's much quicker with hot water. You and I just talk from experience not experiments.

The longer everyone stays cold water system the more money we will make.
yer thats ture, its like first coming from trad to wfp, took a while to get the hang of it, but once you did its great, same with from cold water to hot, got to get used to it all over again, but once you do again its faster still! plus your hoses are great to work with too!

Lol. Your not really going to put it down though are you? You both use it and make a point in saying how good it is. If Richard was right and you do rinse a tad more or have maybe had a customer complain theres no chance you would admit it because it just going to prove his point /emoticons/wink.png

Perhaps someone could do a complete setup guide on this forum, what would need to be brought etc, from the gas bottles to the equipment needed, i have no idea regarding these gas bottles never had anything to do with gas bottles! A setup guide would be great!

Lol. Your not really going to put it down though are you? You both use it and make a point in saying how good it is. If Richard was right and you do rinse a tad more or have maybe had a customer complain theres no chance you would admit it because it just going to prove his point /emoticons/wink.png
to be fair i would say, if it has it faults or anything, i dont get anything from saying its great etc.

some of the faults i have had are at some fiitings due to the hot water making pipe soft and blow off the joints on the hose, have the odd little leak now and again but a quick tighten up on a jublee clip and its fine,

but there is a diffrence with a guy that only has used it to test his brushes and between 2 guys that use it on a daily basis.

Perhaps someone could do a complete setup guide on this forum, what would need to be brought etc, from the gas bottles to the equipment needed, i have no idea regarding these gas bottles never had anything to do with gas bottles! A setup guide would be great!
Good idea.

Perhaps someone could do a complete setup guide on this forum, what would need to be brought etc, from the gas bottles to the equipment needed, i have no idea regarding these gas bottles never had anything to do with gas bottles! A setup guide would be great!
yes could do that, you have 2 guys that use diffrent systems, one diesel hot water system and me that uses a gas heater system. so its possible to get a rough guide up sometime.

yer thats ture, its like first coming from trad to wfp, took a while to get the hang of it, but once you did its great, same with from cold water to hot, got to get used to it all over again, but once you do again its faster still! plus your hoses are great to work with too!
Remember that trad to wfp,the firm I worked for were the first to have it absolute uproar but everyman and his dog have one.only problem is that it's exploded more window cleaners.

Rc I might have to have a jolly up your way and see it in action as no one I know has got one and I know a lot of window cleaners.be a good chance to see my system.

Remember that trad to wfp,the firm I worked for were the first to have it absolute uproar but everyman and his dog have one.only problem is that it's exploded more window cleaners.

Rc I might have to have a jolly up your way and see it in action as no one I know has got one and I know a lot of window cleaners.be a good chance to see my system.
yer soon takes off really!

Yer no problem if you dont like the way hot works at least you would save the money not buying it to find out!

If anyone wants to come to sunny Plymouth and have a go on my hot diesel system you are welcome.
be coming down your way in a few months for a wedding! well more down to cornwall area, might take a detour

When you buy a gas cylinder how do you go about refilling it? Im very interested in getting the L5 Heater, does this heater stay on or is there a safety cut off time?

Its ok just seen it has a 17 min cut off time, no good for me that! Would cut out when doing alot of my runs

When you buy a gas cylinder how do you go about refilling it? Im very interested in getting the L5 Heater, does this heater stay on or is there a safety cut off time?

Its ok just seen it has a 17 min cut off time, no good for me that! Would cut out when doing alot of my runs
You just unscrew them and take them and get the changed at the shop then screw the next one in.
Yer there is a safety cut off time, I wouldn't use one without one!

Mine never cuts out, all you do is stop the pump by stopping the flow of water and that resets the timer

You just unscrew them and take them and get the changed at the shop then screw the next one in.

Yer there is a safety cut off time, I wouldn't use one without one!

Mine never cuts out, all you do is stop the pump by stopping the flow of water and that resets the timer
Oh really? Thats well good, thats fine then! Def going to get one now!
If you dont want the hot water on at some time i suppose you can just set up a water valve divert yeh?

If you dont want the hot water on at some time i suppose you can just set up a water valve divert yeh?
No, all you need to do is turn the gas off and turn the battery power off and that's it, the water flows through the boiler with no problem.

No, all you need to do is turn the gas off and turn the battery power off and that's it, the water flows through the boiler with no problem.
Excelent, what size gas bottle is recommended?
RC can you kindly confirm which screw did you tinker with to be able to get the flow rate down to 20 so the boiler would fire up consistanly when the water was turned on/off at the pole?

View attachment 2401

RC can you kindly confirm which screw did you tinker with to be able to get the flow rate down to 20 so the boiler would fire up consistanly when the water was turned on/off at the pole?

The one on the right hand side near the nut and copper pipe.