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Why am i still on here at 2am!?


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I was going to bed ages ago but i find myself still here. Actually weird being the only person on here.

Well now i have sorted code errors and moved areas about created new ones and done some stuff in VIP area i think i have done my admin bit for today. i really am going to get some sleep now. Oh after i finish generating our sitemap, removing crafty's posts and optimizing the database. lol :-/

Oh after i finish generating our sitemap, removing crafty's posts and optimizing the database. lol :-/
Erm any chance of deleting that whole segregation thread now as it looks like regular members having a go at each other and me talking gibberish (even though I probs was anyway) and having a go at myself as well.

No offence was meant by that thread by the way twas just feedback and apologies for letting him wind me up that quick too :blush:


Yes will remove that one today if you spot any others around that were similar let me know and will remove them also don't want people coming on thinking that is what it is like here. /emoticons/smile.png

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Yes will remove that one today if you spot any others around that were similar let me know and will remove them also don't want people coming on thinking that is what it is like here. /emoticons/smile.png

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks Gav appreciated /emoticons/smile.png


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