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Ladder climbs i don't think about


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fear, I agree needs to be there in some form as that’s The reason why idiots get hurt. It was unfair to use the words scared. I think it’s a balance of lack of confidence and fear. 

I would been keen to see data on age, weight, ect of trad cleaners vs WFP I think there will be some correlations to be sure. 
Just to finish off on the 100% safe, for me 100% safe means I know that the only way I will hurt my self up a ladder is through an accident! 

an accident! 

like I said, I would love to see some data on age, health, experience on trad vs WFP 


fear, I agree needs to be there in some form as that’s The reason why idiots get hurt. It was unfair to use the words scared. I think it’s a balance of lack of confidence and fear. 
? so anyone that has had an accident is an idiot ? , sorry like, we like a good debate on here but I will happily shoot some one down you haven't cleaned a window in years and most likely not used a ladder on daily or even monthly basis for years yet you are now a competent ladder user and are gifted with something mystical that will ensure that you won't have an accident, 

members on here that have piped up have a good many years experience in the industry across the board some have employees and so on so are fully aware of what can happen despite many years on the job and training their staff to be competent in all aspects of ladder use as and when a job requires it at times even if just for flat roof access, with respect you seem too tally ho and dismissive of those of us with a good many years experience 

Some guys have to learn the hard way - like the two Windies I know who now refuse to touch a ladder - both been using ladders for years...but post falls - nope no chance.

You can't drown if you don't  go swimming,,,

If you take risks - eventually the wrong surface will meet with an unbalanced you, weak gutter, or a gust of wind or your phone ringing or 1/1000 things and you will/may hurt yourself...have you read the HSE documents on ladder use? You should they publish them for a reason - and its not because they're soft WFP'ers 

It's because day in day out they get called in to record/investigate/pick up the pieces  - if you don't want to listen to what is uncomfortable for you to hear - listen to the experts - once you've read what they say...at least you 'll have 'informed consent' to continue to take needless risks...but it's your life you get to choose to drink/drive smoke and use ladders when you don't need to...your call Teddington..just maybe investigate alternatives that now are cheap and available everywhere.

And I should say I'm not anti ladders - have 3 sets on/in the van at the mo - but  give them the respect due and use a bunch of safety features whenever I break the out - which I feel massively mitigates the risk - but still only need to use them once or twice a week - all day every day in all weather on all surfaces on all houses and all times (first thing right through to last thing) it's almost inevitable you'll have 'incident' just a question of when

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You can't drown if you don't  go swimming,,,
I always stay in the shallow end, poor swimmer and doggy paddle panic ain't good 

but it's your life you get to choose to drink/drive smoke and use ladders when you don't need to...
I'd sooner drink more than go up a ladder, slightly more expensive and i can only fall off the carpet on a really heavy night 

No silly, he came to give it... he has all the knowledge and wants to share!! Thanks @Teddington Window Cleaners!!

In all honesty though, it’s up to you how you run your business, but if you’re planning on maximising profit whilst also maximising safety (which I’m sure any decent businessman would be) Then you really shouldn’t be so dismissive. There is zero benefit From a business point of view when it comes to trad, apart from an up close look at the sills... When done correctly though they both produce an equally clean window including frames and sills, one is just quicker, more profitable and safer...

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you guys are so the ladder police. 

We trads are like the cowboys and you are the sheriffs lol 

I have another theory though, maybe you wfp guys are just in cahoots in these things to get your reputation up lol 
Ok so how do you comply with the HSE guidance about 3 points of contact with the ladder at all times whilst window cleaning ? It’s impossible to do and run a buisness working that way .

I'm sorry, this seems to be a very touchy subject that cannot be joked about, clearly. 

This is a post in a traditional section of the forum so why are you guys even looking? 

I have no interest in water fed poles so I don't visit the pages. It seems all the WFP guys only comment on these posts to flex your vast knowledge of ladder use for which they have no use! 

It like turning *** and then going on straigyht websites and saying how **** they are just because you don't like it.

Its quite funny the debate of trad v WFP, I worked trad 20 years ago and they were being used a little. My boss hated them.

I guess if you are not confident on a ladder and scared of heights WFP is the only way. 

That being said I was chatting to a lady yesterday and said she had two previous WFP guys before and she wanted a trad guy as the WFP: 

  1. left streaks and dirt on the windows
  2. left the sills dirty 
  3. bashed up her nice sash windows 

don't get me wrong I think WFP are good for things like factories ect where the customers don't really care that much about the above. 

you guys are so the ladder police. 

We trads are like the cowboys and you are the sheriffs lol 

I have another theory though, maybe you wfp guys are just in cahoots in these things to get your reputation up lol 
I think you started the whole debate with your own preconceived ideas. I suggest if you don't want to have people disagreeing with your out of date ideas you don't post argumentative posts.

I travel countrywide so posting relatively anonymously on here isn't anything to do with getting my reputation up as I believe it's high enough. Otherwise I wouldn't be working in Uxbridge and Gosport in May and Cambridge in June. You criticised WFP's initially, I think this shows you're insecurity rather than the other way around.

Ok so how do you comply with the HSE guidance about 3 points of contact with the ladder at all times whilst window cleaning ? It’s impossible to do and run a buisness working that way .
its guidance, not a law

I think you started the whole debate with your own preconceived ideas. I suggest if you don't want to have people disagreeing with your out of date ideas you don't post argumentative posts.

I travel countrywide so posting relatively anonymously on here isn't anything to do with getting my reputation up as I believe it's high enough. Otherwise I wouldn't be working in Uxbridge and Gosport in May and Cambridge in June. You criticised WFP's initially, I think this shows you're insecurity rather than the other way around.
I didn't criticise, read it again. I only told you what I heard. 

This is my problem, you guys are so defensive 

He doesn’t need advice he’s been cleaning Windows was it 12 weeks ?... ??? he’s an expert , those that have been doing this job for 20-30 years plus have no idear what they are talking about 
I think he has been speaking to @Scott r wasn't he slagging of wfp the other day.... ?

Anyways I'm trad so i'm aloud on here ?? hope your trad else don't no why you are even commenting get back on WFP page ??

He doesn’t need advice he’s been cleaning Windows was it 12 weeks ?... ??? he’s an expert , those that have been doing this job for 20-30 years plus have no idear what they are talking about 
Actually I did trad for 3 years 1997 - 2000, I set up my new round this week. 

First of yes i came for advice not top be bullied 

secondly I never said I was an expert 

and third I did not say you didn't know what you were talkng about. 

Not only are youy defensive you are also drama queens, don't get your knickers in a twist pjj! lol!

I think he has been speaking to @Scott r wasn't he slagging of wfp the other day.... ?

Anyways I'm trad so i'm aloud on here ?? hope your trad else don't no why you are even commenting get back on WFP page ??
once again, I never slagged it off 

don't get me wrong I think WFP are good for things like factories ect where the customers don't really care that much about the above. 

its guidance, not a law

I didn't criticise, read it again. I only told you what I heard. 

This is my problem, you guys are so defensive 
Really, I think you need to remember what you posted.

Moreover, 3 points of contact? easily 

2 feet on the ladder 

1 hand on the ladder 

1 cleaning 

am i missing someting? 
Do you actually work like that ?? What about footing the ladder ? Do you tie it off for every window ?? Installing eye bolts etc ?..  ladders do have there place but not for working 8 hours a day cleaning windows , to quote the HSE , ladders may be used but if a safer alternative exists it must be used , there is no ambiguity. I have gone out to numerous falls from heights over the years , many didn’t survive  the fall many that did weren’t in a position to ever work again and several could never walk again , when you can get a cheap wfp system that will do a far better job than trad I dont understand why ones risk there lives the way they do , I was trad for  10 years so know what Ime talking about , I have also been in the Fireservice for over 30 years and have used ladders for over 45 years but that doesn’t make them safe or prevent ones from having accidents , I understand you have to start somewhere but think about the consequences of a fall and being killed ,disabled etc would have on you and your family , and don’t try and tell people that have been doing this job for many years that they are wrong or afrade to use ladders .


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